• U.S.

Michigan Man Arrested for Driving 153 MPH on Freeway

1 minute read

A 21-year-old from Michigan managed to clock a whopping 153 m.p.h. this week while racing a 2005 Dodge Magnum near Detroit on Interstate 75. He was arrested for reckless driving and his vehicle was subsequently impounded.

The unidentified man went 79 mph in a 70 mph zone before almost doubling that speed farther down the freeway, according to MSN.

“We do see speeds like this every once and a while on the freeways, but mostly it’s by high-performance motorcycles; it’s very seldom a vehicle,” Michigan State Police Lt. Michael Shaw told Fox NY.

Alcohol does not appear to be involved and the driver says he was on his way home when police caught up with him.

As for the speeding, it appears the vehicle was modified as its 350 hp V8 engine can normally only do 130 mph thanks to a speed restrictor.

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