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Madame Tussauds Recreates Famous Star Wars Scenes With Wax Figures

1 minute read

It takes about four months for the Madame Tussauds crew to create life-like wax figures of people. But when you’re recreating entire scenes from Star Wars, including characters like Jabba the Hutt and Chewbacca, it’s a completely different story.

Around 180 wax sculptors, hair stylists and set and prop designers spent more than a year designing the 11 scenes that make up the new Star Wars exhibit, opening May 16 in London, The Guardian reports. The museum says the figures are worth close to $4 million U.S. (or £2.5 million). It took 10 people 1,000 hours to make Chewbacca with yak hair, while Jabba the Hutt’s massive size meant the team had to build the 485-pound alien sculpture in a warehouse. Sculptors even traveled to George Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch to measure Princess Leia’s iconic bikini.

“We approached Lucas[film] to say we want to create an experience that’s never been done before,” general manager Ben Sweet said.

[The Guardian]

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com