15 Phrases You Should Say to Yourself Every Day

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Everybody wants to get more done, but unfortunately all the time management tips in the world can’t help you overcome one of the biggest issues affecting your productivity—your attitude. Fortunately, it’s easier to change your mindset than you might think. All you have to do is change what you say to yourself.

Be honest–most of us have a constant negative monologue playing in our heads all day. You tell yourself how tired you are, how disorganized you are, and how much you hate what you have to do. But what if you told yourself something different? Whether you say it out loud or in your mind, what you say to yourself matters.

With that in mind, here are 15 phrases you should say to yourself every day to help you meet your goals:

1. “I’m going to succeed at _____.” When you tell yourself you’ll succeed at a specific task, you’re contradicting the self-doubt that could otherwise hold you back.

2. “I’ve been successful in the past.” Rehearsing specific past successes helps build self-confidence when you need to stretch yourself and try new things.

3. “I can overcome my fear.” Acknowledging your fear is very empowering, and making a choice to overcome it will give you strength and confidence as you face it. Remember, fear only has power if you let it.

4. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought.” Many times, the things we fear aren’t all that bad—even when they actually happen. By reminding ourselves of this, we empower ourselves the next time we’re afraid.

5. “I did something no one else was willing to do.” Big or small, there’s something you’ve done that no one else was willing to do. By patting yourself on the back for it, you strengthen your ability to maintain good habits.

6. “It’s my fault.” Taking responsibility for the things we did empowers us to apologize and make the situation better. Just don’t blame yourself when it’s not your fault!

7. “I got started!” The first step is always the hardest, and celebrating it is something we all do too little of. Congratulate yourself on getting started—every step from here will be easier.

8. “You’re awesome.” No one hears this enough, but it’s true of absolutely everyone. We all have different ways that we’re awesome, so take the time to remind yourself of yours!

9. “I don’t care what other people think.” The truth is that most people think about you far less than you’d assume. So, every so often, remind yourself that other people’s opinions don’t matter. Be true to yourself.

10. “They’re no different than I am.” When you start to judge others to lift yourself up, you’re giving yourself a false sense of pride. Instead, admit that everyone is more like you than you realize, and you’ll find yourself feeling less isolated and alone.

11. “I can do this!” Right before you step into a difficult situation or take on a challenge, tell yourself you can do it. Because if you believe you can, you’re right!

12. “This time is an appointment with me.” Many people don’t make enough time for themselves. Instead, find a time you can set an appointment with yourself—to look over goals, hit the gym, or just rest. Then keep it!

13. “I’m not perfect—and that’s OK.” Feeling like we have to be perfect before we can launch our business or take our next step in life holds many of us back from success. Take a second today to admit that you’re not perfect, and that that’s perfectly OK.

14. “That’s not my job, but who cares?” Being willing to step above and beyond your specific role is a great way to stand out and get noticed in your work and life. Even if no one knows it but you, you’ll feel great knowing you made a difference.

15. “You’re good enough, right now, just like this.” We all want to improve, move forward, and accomplish more. However, sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that we’re good enough, right now, today. You’ll feel relief and a sense of peace as you accept yourself for who you are.

Talking to yourself may sound like an odd thing to do, but it’s extremely effective. Most people have an ongoing monologue in their minds already—success is just a matter of making yours more positive. By saying these 15 things to yourself every day, you’ll be well on your way to being successful, accomplishing your goals, and getting more done.

This post is in partnership with Inc., which offers useful advice, resources and insights to entrepreneurs and business owners. The article above was originally published at Inc.com.

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