• U.S.

This Pizza Guy Was Stabbed and Carjacked But Still Delivered His Pizzas

1 minute read

A pizza delivery driver in Kentucky was stabbed in a carjacking on Monday while dropping some pizzas off at a local hospital, but still managed to complete his delivery before collapsing in the emergency room.

Josh Lewis was attacked as he got out of his SUV in front of Louisville’s Norton Hospital at about 2.45 p.m., local broadcaster WLKY reports. The 25-year-old college student worked at Spinelli’s Pizzeria and had picked up the pizzas a few minutes earlier.

“It’s surreal, I can’t believe it happened to him,” said Spinelli’s regional manager Willow Rouben, saying that Lewis was stabbed in the back while walking to the hospital with the pizzas after taking them out of his car. “Believe it or not, he got his pizzas delivered and collapsed in the ER.”

The assailant reportedly jumped into the vehicle and drove off. Lewis, a Detroit native, was taken to a nearby hospital for surgery on a collapsed lung.

“He was coherent,” Rouben said. “He’s just an amazing kid and we’re all praying for him.”


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Write to Rishi Iyengar at rishi.iyengar@timeasia.com