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In the Latest Issue

2 minute read

The Roots of Baltimore’s Riot
The city’s eruption follows decades of systemic failure

The Blind Spot
Bill Clinton’s fundraising—for his family and foundation—could cripple his wife’s campaign

Baltimore’s Mayor Under Fire
‘Do I look like I’m having an easy time?’

This Company Is Designing the Home of the Future
Quirky is inventing the sleeker, smarter home of the future, one everyday product at a time

Our Man at the Movies
Richard Corliss graced TIME with cinematic spark for 35 years

‘This Is the Earthquake We’ve Been Waiting For’
The deadly aftermath in Nepal

The Culture

Pop Chart

Review: The Aftermath of Equality on Southern Rites
The documentary depicts a town in transition

Review: Avengers: Age of Ultron Introduces the Cloud-Based Villain
Joss Whedon’s super-sharp writing elevates the newest Marvel film beyond the pack

Review: Spinster Preaches Self-Contentment
The message at the heart of Kate Bolick’s new book

The Dune Abides
Frank Herbert’s iconic work turns 50

Free-Range Parenting 2.0
Forget letting the kids roam on their own. How about letting parents off the leash instead?

10 Questions with Harold Bloom
The literary scholar on life at Yale, his critics and why reading should be ‘elitist’


Same-Sex Marriage’s History Test
A surprise turn for the high court’s debate on same-sex marriage

How the U.S. Can Counter China in Asia
The Trans-Pacific Partnership offers a new solution

Road Service Gets an On-Demand Makeover
Tow trucks and phone apps are tapping data to give you a jump-start

Comcast’s Bad Connection
Why the company walked away from its bid to buy Time Warner Cable

The Peerless Mr. Corliss

Nigeria Claims a Victory, but Not One Some Had Hoped For

It’s a Dignity Thing–Democracy is Threatened by Racism and Poverty

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