16 Ways People Have Tried to Destroy Their Apple Watches

2 minute read

While some people are desperate to get their hands on Apple Watches, others are already trying to destroy them.

Watch CNET journalist Sharon Profis, host of this torture exercise, try whacking it with a seven-pound cast-iron skillet, rubbing it against different kitchen graters, stepping on it repeatedly and submerging it in cold and boiling water. Profis also dunks the timepiece in red wine and coats it in various condiments such as soy sauce, ketchup, mustard, peanut butter and Nutella.

The stuff of Cupertino nightmares: @sharonprofis torture tests the Apple Watch. (via @CNET) http://t.co/hNOFiib8R2 pic.twitter.com/DL1dlyTFi3

— Ry Crist (@rycrist) April 25, 2015

Meanwhile, a Canadian tech blog (MW Technology on YouTube) tried hitting it with a rubber mallet, irreparably scratching it with various razor-sharp blades, a bagful of keys and against a stone column, before finally running it over with a car:

The gadget was also subjected to a 15-minute cycle in a washing machine:

And another YouTube user TechRax — known for boiling an iPhone 6 in Coca-Cola — pulled a less dramatic stunt, simulating what would happen to an Apple Watch with a blue sport band if someone accidentally dropped the gadget in such a way that it hit the ground face-first.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com