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Watch a Protester Shower the European Central Bank President With Glitter

1 minute read

A protester interrupted a press conference of the European Central Bank with a flurry of glitter.

In an act caught by photographers on scene in Frankfurt, the activist launched herself onto the table and—to the apparent relief of a taken-aback ECB President Mario Draghi—proceeded to toss glitter and paper onto the banker.

The activist, who was shouting “End the ECB dictatorship” and wore a shirt that read “End the ECB Dick-tatorship,” was promptly dragged away, and Draghi resumed his speech.

The ECB said in a statement that the protester had registered as a journalist, gone through an “identity check,” passed through a metal detector and put her bag through an X-ray machine, which is presumably not designed to spot confetti.

“Staff from the ECB are investigating the incident,” the ECB said in a statement. “ECB President Mario Draghi remained unharmed and calmly proceeded with the press conference.”

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Write to Noah Rayman at noah.rayman@time.com