Watch an Endangered Tiger Give Birth to 3 Cubs

1 minute read

Yorkshire Wildlife Park in the U.K. has released incredible footage of a tigress giving birth to three cubs.

Kim Wilkins, who works at the park, said it was a privilege to watch 4-year-old Tschuna, an Amur Tiger, give birth on the CCTV camera on March 29.

“Tschuna had hidden herself away in peace and quiet of the cubbing den,” she said. “It was so heart-warming to see how Tschuna took to motherhood and how natural the new family is. Both the birth and her bonding to the cubs was all captured—it is truly enchanting footage and I am glad that we are able to share it with everyone.” The Park plans to release more videos of the cubs as they grow.

Amur Tigers are an endangered species in Russia, where aggressive hunting and poaching has left only 450 remaining in the wild, according to the WWF.

Tschuna is now focusing on feeding the cubs and won’t be seen by visitors for a few more weeks.

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