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Guy Wears Polo Shirt to Meeting Not Realizing Obama Would Be There

1 minute read

A man who wore a white polo shirt last week to a meeting with President Barack Obama at Hill Air Force Base north of Salt Lake City, Utah, is making headlines because of his unintentionally casual attire.

Lance Futch told the Associated Press he thought he would just be meeting a senior White House official. Turned out he was sitting one seat away from the commander-in-chief at a table that also included U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) and Rep. Rob Bishop (R).

The White House asked Vivant Solar to send someone with a military affiliation to discuss job opportunities for veterans in solar energy, so the company sent Futch, a member of the Utah Air National Guard.

“If I had known it was my commander in chief, I definitely would have been wearing my blues,” referring to the guardsman uniform.

Or at least a tan suit.

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com