Photojournalism Daily: Nov. 19, 2014

2 minute read

Today’s daily Photojournalism Links collection highlights Uriel Sinai‘s work from Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. One of the most pristine lands in Africa, it’s where environmentalists are fighting against oil companies that believe there are untapped reserves under the country’s Lake Edward. Rangers aim to shield endangered wildlife from poachers, but it’s nature that may need saving as some fear any found oil could lead to a redrawing of Virunga’s boundaries — its protectors — to allow for drilling. The story, which pits the bounty from oil against the beauty of the earth, is the latest to spotlight a region long made to suffer for its abundance of natural riches.

Uriel Sinai: Oil vs. the Environment in an African Park (The New York Times)

Phil Moore: Democratic Republic of Congo’s Deadly Volcano (Al Jazeera) The photographs show Mount Nyiragongo, which towers over the eastern city of Goma. Its reopening for public access after a cessation of hostilities against the M23 rebels will allow visitors to stare down into the world’s largest lava lake, which is still active from an eruption in 2002 that wiped out at least 15% of the city.

John Stanmeyer: Blessed. Cursed. Claimed. (National Geographic) The photographer continues to document National Geographic Fellow Paul Salopek’s Out of Eden Walk, now in the Middle East.

Using Instagram to Open a Window on Everyday Life in North Korea (TIME LightBox) A group of amateurs and professional photographers have taken to Instagram to open a window on the reclusive country.

Zun Lee (zPhotoJournal) Jim Colton interviews the author of Father Figure, a photo book that challenges notions of absent black fathers.

Photojournalism Links is a compilation of the most interesting photojournalism found on the web, curated by Mikko Takkunen, Associate Photo Editor at TIME. Follow him on Twitter @photojournalism.

Park rangers hike down from their outpost on the Nyiragongo volcano in the Virunga National Park, where environmentalists are opposing oil drilling, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The New York Times: Oil vs. the Environment in an African ParkRangers in Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Environmentalists have been fighting to keep a British oil company from drilling in Africa's oldest national park. Uriel Sinai—The New York Times/Redux
The city of Goma lies at the foot of Mount Nyiragongo, an active volcano situated around 20km from the city, as seen in the evening of November 1, 2013 in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mount Nyiragongo last erupted in 2002, destroying around 15% of the city, leaving some 120,000 people homeless.
Al Jazeera: Democratic Republic of Congo's deadly volcanoThe city of Goma lies at the foot of Mount Nyiragongo, an active volcano situated around 12 miles from the city, as seen in the evening of Nov.1, 2013 in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mount Nyiragongo last erupted in 2002, destroying around 15% of the city, leaving some 120,000 people homeless.Phil Moore
BLESSED. CURSED. CLAIMED.PERMITTED USE: This image may be downloaded or is otherwise provided at no charge for one-time use for coverage or promotion of National Geographic magazine dated December 2014 and exclusively in conjunction thereof.  No copying, distribution or archiving permitted.  Sublicensing, sale or resale is prohibited.     REQUIRED CREDIT AND CAPTION: All image uses must bear the copyright notice and be properly credited to the relevant photographer, as shown in this metadata, and must be accompanied by a caption, which makes reference to NGM.  Any uses in which the image appears without proper copyright notice, photographer credit and a caption referencing NGM are subject to paid licensing.       Mandatory usage requirements: (Please note: you may select 5 branded images for online use and 3 images for print/unbranded)1. Include mandatory photo credit with each image © John Stanmeyer/National Geographic2. Show the December cover of National Geographic somewhere in the post (credit: National Geographic) unless using only one image3. Provide a prominent link to: the top of your piece, ahead of the photos 4. Mention that the images are from "the December issue of National Geographic magazine 5. Identify Paul Salopek as a National Geographic FellowPhotograph by John StanmeyerArab Christians in Jordan hike to pray beneath a cross during Feast of Epiphany week near the banks of the Jordan River.
From the the December issue of National Geographic magazine: Blessed. Cursed. Claimed. Arab Christians in Jordan hike to pray beneath a cross during Feast of Epiphany week near the banks of the Jordan River. John Stanmeyer—National Geographic
north korea instagram
TIME LightBox: Using Instagram to Open a Window on Everyday Life in North KoreaA woman's traditional dress billows in the strong breeze on top of Juche Tower in Pyongyang.@sunbimari—@everydaydprk

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