PJL: February 2014 (Part 2)

11 minute read

Features and Essays

Lynsey Addario: Syria: The Chaos of War – Journey Without End (National Geographic) Documenting the struggles of Syria’s displaced | From National Geographic magazine’s March 2014 issue

Bryan Denton: Syrians Flee Heavy Aerial Bombing (NYT) Hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians have fled rebel-held parts of the city of Aleppo in recent weeks under heavy aerial bombardment by the Syrian government, emptying whole neighborhoods and creating what aid workers say is one of the largest refugee flows of the entire civil war.

Andrea Bruce: Syria: The Chaos of War – Damascus: Will the Walls Fall? (National Geographic) The city’s culture offers hope for saving Syria | From National Geographic magazine’s March 2014 issue

Guy Martin: Playacting for Power in Istanbul: Portraits of Protesters and Soap Opera Stars (LightBox) Following a long hiatus away from photography after being injured in Libya, photojournalist Guy Martin writes for LightBox about his newest project pairing the theatricality of Istanbul’s protests with the drama of its soap opera stages.

Daniel Berehulak: A Highway That Is Crucial for a Nation’s Future (NYT) Afghan army’s test begins with fight for vital highway

Wang Qing: In Restive Remote China, Uighurs’ Piety and Peace (NYT Lens) A photographer ventured to Xinjiang Province, where tensions seethe between the Muslim Uighur minority and the majority Han Chinese, and made pictures only a quiet, unobtrusive observer could.

Patrick Brown: Trading to Extinction (BBC) Photographer Patrick Brown spent 10 years documenting the illegal trade of endangered animals in Asia. The project is now getting published as a book. | Also on LightBox here

Lynsey Addario: A Roadside Birth in the Philippines (LightBox) The remarkable birth of a baby in a typhoon-ravaged part of the Philippines becomes a symbol of renewed hope

Davide Monteleone: The Protests Continue in Kiev (The New Yorker’s Photo Booth) The photographer Davide Monteleone captured the scene of the protests throughout the capital.

Jerome Sessini: Ukraine (De Standaard)

Mikhail Mordasov: The Other Sochi (Foreign Policy) Images of the seaside spa town cherished by generations of Russians. Will it survive the Olympics?

Misha Friedman: Two Sides of Sochi (The New Yorker) For the past few weeks, Friedman has been in Russia to cover the Winter Olympics for the New Yorker.

Misha Friedman: The Sochi Olympics County Fair (The New Yorker’s Photo Booth) One of the Olympic attractions was the Sochi Fan Zone, a carnival-like venue that allowed enthusiasts to pose in front of murals depicting Russian athletes.

Mads Nissen: The Dangers of Being Gay in Russia (Newsweek)

Rafal Milach: Portraits of the Winners, the Best and Better in Belarus (LightBox) Wry portraits of the best milkmaids, fitness queens, hunters, potato farmers and other winners of the quirky propagandistic contests organized by one of last remaining dictatorships in Europe.

Fabio Bucciarelli: On the Brink of an Abyss (LightBox) South Sudan remains on the brink of an ethnic conflict. Italian photographer Fabio Bucciarelli is documenting the unrest.

Micah Albert: Kenya’s Traditional Brewers (BBC)

Erika Larsen: People of the Horse (National Geographic) Many Native American tribes developed a deep, almost mystical, connection to the horse | From National Geographic magazine’s March 2014 issue

Andrea Bruce: Westward Bound (The New Yorker’s Photo Booth) A photographer’s trip with her Iraqi fixer from D.C. to Oregon

Ben Marcin: The Camps (Feature Shoot) Hidden dwellings of Baltimore’s homeless

Jared Soares: Struggle and Hope in a Small Virginia Town (Slate) Economic downturn in Martinsville, Va.

Carlos Javier Ortiz: The Toll of Zero-Tolerance Discipline (MSNBC) Young black and Latino men are being churned out of classrooms and into the criminal justice system at an astounding rate. One in three black and one in six Latino boys are likely to face incarceration during their lifetime.

Andrew Burton: Locked Up and Growing Old (MSNBC) Aging men and women are the fastest-growing population in U.S. prisons, a recent Human Rights Watch report found, and prison officials are ill-equipped to provide the appropriate level of care.

Aaron Huey: Salvation Mountain (TIME) Folk artist Leonard Knight, creator of Salvation Mountain, died at 82. Photographer Aaron Huey documented Knight and his creation during the course of several years.

David Guttenfelder: Traveling From Ocean to Ocean Across South America | Still Life in Motion From a Road Trip Across South America (NYT Magazine) The cover story of the magazine’s Voyages issue takes readers on a journey along the Interoceanic Highway, the first paved route to fully cross the heart of South America.

Carlos Garcia Rawlins: The Business of Death (The Wider Image by Reuters) Venezuela has one of the world’s highest levels of homicides and Caracas’s murder rate is over 100 per 100,000 residents, according to a monitoring group.

Dominic Bracco II: Life on Ecuador’s oil frontier (Washington Post) Ecuador pumps more than 500,000 barrels of crude a day, but with production falling, the country is moving to drill inside Yasuni National Park, one of the world’s most ecologically complex and fragile places, an area that is also home to the Waorani tribe

Jim Mortram: Small Town Inertia (Guardian) Mortram started photographing the residents of his home town of Dereham, Norfolk, more or less by accident. But his results lift the lid on life in an isolated community – and add up to an unsettling snapshot of Britain today | Related: Mortram on his work here


World Press Photo Contest Winners Gallery (World Press Photo) View the entire collection of winning images from the 57th World Press Photo Contest. The winners were selected from more than 90,000 images submitted to the contest.

VII Photo’s John Stanmeyer wins 57th World Press Photo of the Year (BJP) John Stanmeyer, a VII Photo member and National Geographic contributor, has won World Press Photo of the Year for an image of African migrants on the shore of Djibouti, “raising their phones in an attempt to capture an inexpensive signal from neighbouring Somalia”

World Press 2014: Signals from Djibouti (PROOF) John Stanmeyer and National Geographic Senior Photo Editor Kim Hubbard share their thoughts on “Signal,” which took the top prize of 2013 Photo of the Year.

Statement following discussions about World Press Photo of the Year 2013 (World Press Photo) World Press Photo addressing the possible conflict of interest in awarding the World Press Photo of the Year 2013 to John Stanmeyer given that Stanmeyer and general jury chair Gary Knight are two of the founding members of VII Photo Agency.

David Campbell: World Press Photo 2014 contest: Reflections from the Secretary’s seat (David Campbell website)

Thoughts on John Stanmeyer’s 2014 World Press Winning Photo (BagNewsNotes)

This Contest Winner Looks Like a Movie Poster (And That’s Good) (PhotoShelter blog) On the World Press Photo of the Year.

Eight percent of final World Press Photo entries were manipulated and disqualified, say judges (BJP)

The World’s Best (Unaltered) Photos (NYT Lens) World Press Photo announced the winners of its 2013 contest while its judges lamented the proliferation of digital alterations, which disqualified several top contenders

Paul Melcher: Photojournalism Is Not a Competition (Melcher System)

Kiev Explodes (AFP Correspondent) AFP photographer Bulent Kilic, usually based in Istanbul, is in Kiev covering the dramatically worsening events in Independence Square. He says it feels as much like a war as it does a protest.

Fidel Castro Handout Photos Digitally Altered (AP) Associated Press eliminated seven Cuban government handout photos of Fidel Castro after determining some were digitally altered to remove what appears to be a hearing aid from the retired leader’s ear.

Why Can’t Photographs Persuade? (No Caption Needed) Robert Hariman on how “public and academic discussion has saddled photography with a highly unrealistic model of persuasion. The assumption is that photographs are supposed to persuade, and any failure to do so then motivates increased ethical scrutiny of the medium. This failure and subsequent scrutiny are most likely to occur when the stakes are highest, that is, with atrocity photographs.”

Runners Take Part In Charity Stair Climb To Top Of Four World Trade Center

How We Visualize Disaster (Motherboard) On Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s exhibition Unintended Journeys, which looks at the aftermaths of natural disasters long after media attention has faded, highlighting the work of group of Magnum photographers

Who Owns This Image? (New Yorker) Ben Mauk on Richard Prince and fair use

Henri Cartier-Bresson at the Centre Pompidou (FT) Cartier-Bresson’’s work exhibited at Centre Pompidou in Paris, until June 9.

Where the World’s Greatest Photographers Go to Get Away (NYT Magazine) As part of the magazine’s annual Voyages issue, it asked some of the world’s greatest photographers to share their vacation photos.

Anastasia Taylor-Lind taking portraits in Kiev (Foreign Policy) What happens when you bolt an iPhone to a film camera?

A photographer Robert Nickelsberg who couldn’t forget Afghanistan (Al Jazeera America)

Letizia Battaglia’s best photograph: mafia murder victims in Palermo (Guardian)

Featured photographer: Arief Priyono (Verve Photo) Indonesian photographer

Featured photographer: William Eckersley (Verve Photo) London-based photographer

Interviews and Talks

Gary Knight (BJP) “These awards show the consequences of a lack of resources in the industry,” says World Press Photo’s chair Gary Knight, who spoke to BJP about judging the prestigious awards for the fourth time, noting the evolution of an industry that is struggling to find proper resources | Knight on the winning photo in a World Press Photo Vimeo here

Rena Effendi (BJP) World Press Photo winner Rena Effendi on National Geographic, responsible story-telling and Transylvanian agrarian culture. National Geographic supports in-depth documentary photography, says Effendi – then ensures the image-maker is involved in the editing and layout process, to tell their story to maximum effect

Marcus Bleasdale (BJP) Bleasdale on his WPP award-winning project on the Norwegian whaling community for which he needed three years and a wealth of personal introductions to complete

John Tlumacki (BJP) World Press Photo win is ‘bittersweet’, says John Tlumacki of his Boston Marathon bombing image. Tlumacki won Second Prize in the Spot News (singles category)

Tyler Hicks (BJP) “The gunmen were willing to do anything to get their message across,” says Tyler Hicks who won Second Prize in the Spot News Stories category for his coverage of the Nairobi Westgate massacre in Kenya.

Dignity and hope – Susie Linfield on the World Press Photo (BJP) Journalist and author Susie Linfield, a judge at this year’s World Press Photo awards, discusses ethics and ways of exploring violence and suffering

Julie McGuire (BJP) McGuire on drawing international attention to the plight of street dogs – and winning a WPP award for doing so

Marcus Bleasdale (Telegraph) Bleasdale talks about photographing the ongoing violence in the Central African Republic

Brendan Hoffman (Wired Rawfile) On the front lines of Ukraine’s violent protests

Daniel Berehulak (In Focus by Getty Images) Berehulak, Reportage by Getty Images, recently won first place photographer of the year in the 71st Annual Pictures of the Year International awards

Jonas Bendiksen (Ideas Tap) Bendiksen on his project The Places We Live, for which he photographed slums in Kenya, India, Venezuela and Indonesia.

MaryAnne Golon (NPPA) Assistant Managing Editor and the Director of Photography at the Washington Post interviewed about her career

David Burnett (NBC Olympics) Photographer David Burnett is in Sochi working his 10th Olympic Games. Look back on some of Burnett’s iconic Olympic images, and come along as he blends the old and new styles of the art of photography in Sochi.

Artifacts: Photographer Adrienne Grunwald (PROOF) Artifacts is a series about physical items that have meaning to photographers in the field.

Lynsey Addario (Charlie Rose) Addario on documenting Syrian refugees

Sara Naomi Lewkowicz (APhotoADay) Five questions with Lewkowicz who won 2014 World Press Photo 1st prize for Contemporary Issues stories

Sara Naomi Lewkowicz (Alexia Foundation) On “Shane and Maggie” and success

Diana Markosian (Wired Raw File) “I don’t care where the industry is going. I care much more about where I am going.”

Patrick Brown (MediaStorm) Brown on a decade of documenting illegal wildlife trade

Alec Soth (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art YouTube) Soth describes the process of completing his recent commission for SFMOMA, a series of photographs of Silicon Valley.

Gabriella Demczuk (NYT Lens) The New York Times’ photography intern at the paper’s Washington Bureau on the turning point of her career

Mikko Takkunen is an associate photo editor at TIME.com. Follow him on Twitter @photojournalism.

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