PJL: October 2013 (Part 2)

8 minute read

Features and Essays

Robin Hammond: No One Hear Our Cry (Panos Pictures) Ten years on from the end of the dreadful civil war in Liberia, thousands of former child soldiers are still struggling to find a role in the peaceful country and adapt to the new realities

Lynsey Addario: Breast Cancer as Death Sentence in Uganda (NYT Lens) On an assignment in Uganda reporting on early breast cancer detection, Addario photographed a cancer ward that serves four countries, as the region is scarce of expertise and supplies

Michael Christopher Brown: The Kivus: Goma Airport (Magnum Photos) Children playing on abandoned planes at the Goma airport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ed Kashi: Northern Nigeria Conflict (National Geographic) Islamist terrorists fight for the north | From the November issue of National Geographic magazine

Robin Hammond: Condemned (LightBox) Treatment of mentally ill in Sub-Saharan Africa | The work just received W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography

Meeri Koutaniemi: Fighting Genital Mutilation (CNN Photo Blog) Portraits from Kenya

Rena Effendi / Institute

Rena Effendi: Between Here and Paradise: Havana (Photo Booth) ‘A city almost frozen in time’

Meridith Kohut: Stripped of Statehood (NYT) Haitian community in the Dominican Republic

Gaël Turine: Haiti (Le Figaro)

Tomas Munita: Illegal Logging in Peru (NYT) Corruption in Peru aids cutting of rain forest

Myriam Meloni: Spectacle Within an Argentine Limousine (NYT Lens) The back seat of a chauffeured limousine with each night’s passengers as the cast of a different show

Peter van Agtmael: Life Under Austerity (MSNBC) For more than a hundred years, coal anchored families to the mountain hollows of eastern Kentucky. But a dying mining industry, and government austerity, has left folks chasing any rumor, any scrap, any whiff of a job that’s still to be had

Gabriella Demczuk: Following the Fiscal Crisis (NYT) Scenes from the Capitol during the recent US government shutdown

Nancy Borowick: Side by Side, Battling Cancer and Sending Off the Bride (NYT Lens) Photographer documented her parents’ battles with cancer

Carlos Javier Ortiz: Too Young Too Die (CNN Photo Blog) Chicago gun violence

Yunghi Kim: Gowanus Canal (NYT Lens) Polluted canal in Brooklyn, New York

Anoush Abrar: Californication (Slate Behold) Project documenting the quest for stardom in Hollywood

Michael Light: Aerial Views of the American West (Photo Booth)

Matt Eich: Down South: Greenwood Revisited (Photo Booth) Greenwood, Mississippi

Andrew Miksys: America’s Bingo Halls (Feature Shoot)

Dmitry Kostyukov: The Russia Left Behind (NYT) A journey through a heartland on the slow road to ruin | More on the Lens blog here

Eugenia Maximova: Kitchen Stories from the Balkans (Lens Culture)

Espen Rasmussen: To Dig or Not to Dig (Panos Pictures) Greenland’s vast natural resources are transforming the territory

Piergiorgio Casotti: Sometimes I Cannot See (burn magazine) Greenland

Jimmy Nelson: Before They Pass Away (Daily Mail) Disappearing tribes around the world | Also on NYT here

Iain McKell: The New Gypsies (Slate Behold)

Edgar Martins: The European Space Agency (FT magazine) Behind-the-scenes insights of the space agency facilities

Ed Thompson: Britain’s Far-Right: The English Defence League (CNN Photo Blog)

The Tzukuri iPhone app connects via low-power Bluetooth to a pair of sunglasses, tracking their location so you don't lose them.Q. Sakamaki

Q. Sakamaki: Japan (Photo Booth) Sakamaki’s pocket-size window into life all over the country, from daily commutes in Tokyo to the surf culture along the coast of the Sagami Bay, in central Japan

Ashley Gilbertson: A Game of Shark and Minnow (NYT magazine) multimedia | The shell of a forsaken ship has become a battleground in a struggle that could shape the future of the South China Sea

Marie Dorigny: High in Nepal, a Lowly Status for Women (NYT Lens) When Dorigny first visited Nepal 20 years ago, things seemed on the right path. On her most recent trip, however, she was appalled by the worsening situation for women, who face abuse

Olivia Arthur: A Big Road Meets a Small Village (Photo Booth) The transformative effect of a highway on the small South Indian village of Kadapakkam

Elena Dorfman: Syria’s Lost Generation (Photo Booth) For six months earlier this year, Dorfman covered the Syrian refugee crisis

Lynsey Addario: A Syrian Refugee Family’s New Life NYT) Scattered by war, Syrians struggle to start over

Andrea Bruce: The Toll of War (NYT) War’s toll weighs heavily on millions inside Syria, as government services, like bakeries, begin to crumble

Riccardo Venturi: Yemen (Contrasto)


Photo editing process at National Geographic magazine (BJP) Olivier Laurent speaks with the magazine’s photo editors

125 Years of Still Magic (LA Times Reframed) National Geographic photography exhibit comes to Annenberg Space for Photography

Through Positive Eyes: The Career of Gideon Mendel (Photo Booth)

The Sochi Project and the Future of Storytelling (Conscientious Photography Magazine)

Instagram Photographers You Might Not Know (But Should Definitely Follow) (johnedwinmason.typepad.com)

To Deepen the Mystery: The Self-Portaits of Vivian Maier (LightBox) A new book reveals that the deeper one dives into the life of nanny-turned-photographer Vivian Maier, the more enigmatic and mysterious she becomes

My Selfie, Myself (NYT) Technology reporter Jenna Wortham on selfies

The Tony Blair ‘selfie’ Photo Op will have a place in history (Guardian) Art could not stop the war in Iraq but this photomontage – now on show at the Imperial War Museum North – can influence how that war is remembered

Three new photojournalism books from masters of the craft (LA Observed) On the recent books by Steve McCurry, Sebastiao Salgado, and Elliott Erwitt

The Unseen Dorothea Lange (CNN Photo Blog) A new monograph, “Dorothea Lange: Grab a Hunk of Lightning,” is a retrospective of Lange’s career. Spanning three decades, it includes her famous work as well as lesser-known and rarely seen photographs, including Japanese internment camp relocations and her global travels

W. Eugene Smith’s ‘Big Book,’ His Way (NYT Lens) The University of Texas Press has published an exact facsimile of Smith’s previously unpublished magnum opus known as ‘The Big Book’

The Non-Conformists: Martin Parr’s Early Work in Black-and-White (LightBox) Photographs from Parr’s earliest major body of work from the 70s featured in his latest Aperture monograph — an affectionate, humorous look at a picturesque English mill town and the quirky, independent spirit of its inhabitants

Iconic and Unseen War Photos From Vietnam and Iraq (Mother Jones)

Presenting ‘She Dances on Jackson’ photo book by Vanessa Winship (YouTube)

Superstorm Sandy, One Year Later: Self-Portraits by Communities in Distress (LightBox)

Michael Redpath’s Sandy Damaged Photographs of Ground Zero (Photo Booth)

Bright side of the Bronx: portraits of locals on New York’s ‘hood beach’ (Guardian) Wayne Lawrence’s images of city dwellers on Orchard Beach, known as the Bronx Riviera, show a notorious neighbourhood in all its tough glory | Photos here

Crowdfunding platform Emphas.is goes insolvent amid internal conflicts (BJP)

Maciej Dakowicz’s street photography (Guardian)

Featured photojournalist: Mohammed Salem (Guardian) Reuters photographer Mohammed Salem documents the wedding of a couple aged 14 and 15 in Gaza

Featured Photographer: Christian Rodriguez (Verve Photo)

Featured photographer: Andrew Renneisen (Verve Photo)

Interviews and Talks

Robert Capa radio interview from 1947 (ICP) Only known audio recording of the photography legend | Related on NYT Lens here

Tim Page’s Vietnam War (Vice) Page arrived in Saigon in 1965, when he was just 20 years old

Steve McCurry (NBC) McCurry talks about his iconic National Geographic “Afghan Girl” photo, in the first edition of Ann Curry’s “Depth of Field”, a series of intimate conversations with the world’s leading photojournalists who reveal the stories behind their most provocative and acclaimed images

Christopher Anderson and Marion Durand on Their Photographic Collaboration (PDN) On Anderson’s new book, Son

David Guttenfelder (PROOF) Posting Instagram photos from North Korea

Lynn Johnson (PROOF) National Geographic photographer

Stanley Greene (Thomson Reuters Foundation) Greene worked in Jabal al-Zawiya in northwest Syria in March and in Aleppo in April. There he found a war that had pushed people almost beyond the limits of sanity

Fabio Bucciarelli (FotoEvidence) Bucciarelli on his career so far

Jon Levy (Ideas Tap) Foto8 founder Levy on photojournalism

Iwan Baan (Ted.com) Photographer Iwan Baan shows how people build homes in unlikely places, touring us through the family apartments of Torre David, a city on the water in Nigeria, and an underground village in China

Philip Toledano (American Photo) The magazine calls him ‘photography’s big idea man’

Michael Wolf (The New Republic) Wolf on his project documenting Hong Kong’s architecture of density

Erika Larsen (American Photo) Larsen on her Sami work

David Maisel (A Photo Editor) Maisel on his The Mining Project and other works

Mosaab Elshamy (BBC) The drama and turmoil in Egypt of the past few years has been captured by photographer Mosaab Elshamy, whose pictures tell a story of upheaval and its impact on the lives of those around him

Nick Veasey (Wired Rawfile) Veasey on his x-ray photography

Majid Saeedi (FotoEvidence) Saeedi talks about his Afghanistan work

Donna Decesare (FotoEvidence) Photographer known of her work of violence in Central America

JR (Nowness) Video portrait of JR

Antonio Olmos (Roads and Kingdoms) Olmos on his Landscape of Murder project

Sara Anjargolian (FotoEvidence) Photographer working on social justice issues in the former Soviet republic of Armenia

Ikuru Kuwajima’s Artifacts (PROOF) Artifacts is a series about physical items that have meaning to photographers in the field.

Mikko Takkunen is an associate photo editor at TIME.com. Follow him on Twitter @photojournalism.

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