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Honoring the Fallen: One Photographer’s Witness to 490 Dignified Transfers

6 minute read

Updated May 26, 2014. When this story first published in 2013, Steve Ruark had made 278 trips, covering the return of 490 fallen troops. The total now stands at 290 trips, covering the return of 509 troops.

When soldiers are killed in action, units hold a simple ceremony in the combat zone. At the front of a chapel or a helipad or a makeshift open area, the unit places the deceased’s combat boots on a small box. Behind the boots they stand a rifle, muzzle down, on top of which rests the soldier’s helmet. The dead trooper’s dog tags hang from the pistol grip. After a brief remembrance, soldiers file to the front and stand before the makeshift shrine. They pause briefly, then render a final salute to the fallen comrade, who in most cases is already on his or her way home.

Halfway around the world, another ceremony takes place on the tarmac of Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, where planes carrying fallen troops enter the United States. A chaplain reads a short prayer and a military team lifts a flag-draped metal case, carrying it from the plane to a nearby truck. After a brief pause, the truck drives slowly away, toward the base’s mortuary, where the body will be examined and prepared for burial.

The Dover port mortuary first opened in 1958, and in 2001 it became the only place where the bodies of troops killed in action return to the United States. In 2009, the ceremony on Dover’s tarmac, called a dignified transfer, became open to the media for the first time since 1991. The families of fallen service men and women have the option of inviting media to witness the return of their loved one to U.S. soil. In the past four years, 2,285 fallen military members have come through Dover’s mortuary, and the media has covered about 60 percent of the ceremonies.

Since dignified transfers became open to the press, the Associated Press has covered each one to which the media has been invited. Steve Ruark, a photographer for the AP, has made 278 trips to Dover, covering the return of 490 fallen troops. He has photographed the ceremonies in the middle of the day and in the dark of night, in snow and in the sweltering heat. “There have been lulls that last a fortnight and summer months that the stream of dead seemed it would never stop,” Ruark says.

For a photographer telling the story of how our fallen return home, the dignified transfer ceremonies present a significant challenge. Photographers are only allowed to stand in one area, on the other side of the bus from the grieving family. They sign an agreement that they will not photograph family members of the deceased.

So Ruark focused on framing his compositions in different ways. Sometimes he moved down the line with the honor guard; other times he photographed the tail fin of the airplane. “You hear the cries from the family members on the other side of that bus,” he says. “Sometimes it’s a regular cry; others it’s an outright screaming. But as a witness, I can’t pass it along. Instead I focus on the stoic young men who lift the remains of their comrade and carry him closer to his final resting place.”

The emotion of the ceremonies is often subtle. “Sometimes a quick glance by a serviceman toward the flag-draped case can speak visual volumes,” Ruark explains. “Most times the straight faces of the military men and women in front of me do not budge.”
For the first eight years after September 11, when dignified transfers were not open to the media, few saw the fallen troops return home. When the dignified transfer ceremonies became public, many considered the decision through the lens of politics. The image of young troops being carried home in flag-draped caskets has been a stirring symbol going back to the Civil War. But for Ruark, who has seen more dignified transfers than nearly any other civilian, sharing those images is part of a crucial undertaking. Whether or not people support the wars, he feels it is essential they understand their costs. “If something’s not photographed, it’s easy to deny,” Ruark says. “It’s a fact that Americans are getting killed overseas. Making people look at it makes them weigh the costs.”

Then there is another, more fundamental aspect to Ruark’s photographs of men and women who gave their lives for their country, carried by their comrades one more step toward their final resting place. The images tell a story that can’t be articulated from lists of casualty figures or a press release giving the most basic information about a fallen warrior. “I think people, to some degree, know we’re at war,” Ruak says. “People are going to die, but when they’re confronted with, ‘This is an individual with a name,’ that makes a difference.”

When fallen troops reach their final resting place, an honor guard removes the flag from the casket and folds it into a neat triangle. An officer then kneels beside the next of kin and offers the flag on behalf of “a grateful nation.” With troops dying on distant battlefields in wars increasingly out of the public eye, photographs of the simple transfer ceremony on the tarmac at Dover offer all of us a chance to pause, to recognize men and women who were deserving of a future, and who gave what Abraham Lincoln called “the last full measure of devotion.” The dignified transfers are one step in a fallen service member’s long journey home. Viewing the photos and remembering the people inside those caskets can be one small part in our role as a grateful nation.

Steve Ruark is based in his native city, Baltimore. He graduated in 2000 from Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications with a Bachelor of Science in photojournalism.

Nate Rawlings is a writer at Time. He served two combat tours in Iraq as a U.S. Army officer and has reported for the magazine from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Marines Capt. Daniel B. Bartle, front left case, Capt. Nathan R. McHone, back left case, Master Sgt. Travis W. Riddick, front center case, Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, back center case, Cpl. Kevin J. Reinhard, front right case, and Cpl. Jesse W. Stites, back right case, Jan. 23, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Spc. Shawn D. Sykes, May 8, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Chief Warrant Officer Three Brent Cole, May 23, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army 1st Sgt. Blue C. Rowe, May 28, 2009. Senior Airman Ashton Lynn Marie Goodman, May 28 2009. Spc. Chad A. Edmundson, May 29, 2009. Pvt. Thomas Lee III, May 30, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Marko M. Samson, Tuesday, June 2, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
An Army carry team lifts a transfer case containing the remains of Pfc. Dwight Ogden, left, as a transfer case containing the remains of Pfc. Matthew Wilson, right, sits nearby, June 3, 2009 at Dover Air Force Base, Del. Steve Ruark—AP
Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Hall, June 3, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Roberto Hernandez, June 4, 2009. Spc. Roberto Hernandez, June 4, 2009. Lance Cpl. Joshua R. Whittle, June 7, 2009. Sgt. Ricky Jones, June 22, 2009. 1st Sgt. John D. Blair, June 22, 2009. Spc. Rodrigo Munguiarivas, June 22, 2009. Spc. Rodrigo Munguiarivas, June 22, 2009. Navy Command Master Chief Jeffrey Garber, June 23, 2009. Spc. Casey L. Hills, June 25, 2009Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Joshua Hazlewood, June 27, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Lance Cpl. Charles S. Sharp, July 4, 2009. 2nd Lt. Derwin I. Williams, July 8, 2009. Capt. Mark A. Garner, July 8, 2009. Spc. Chester W. Hosford, July 8, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Petty Officer 2nd Class Tony M. Randolph, July 8, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Brock H. Chavers, July 8, 2009. Pfc. Nicholas Gideon, July 8, 2009. Spc. Issac L. Johnson, July 8, 2009. Army Spc. Joshua Farris, July 10, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
An Air Force carry team carries a transfer case containing the remains of Marine Sgt. Michael C. Roy, July 10, 2009 at Dover Air Force Base, Del. The transfer cases sitting on the K-loader contain the remains of Army Spc. Lucas Bregg, left, of Wright City, Mo., Army Spc. Gregory Missman, second from left, of Batavia, Ohio, and Marine Lance Cpl. Roger G. Hager, third from left, of Gibsonville, N.C. Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Corps Sgt. Michael Heede Jr., July 15, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Corps Staff Sgt. David S. Spicer, July 15, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. Carlos E. Wilcox, July 18, 2009. Army Spc. James David Wertish, July 18, 2009. Army Spc. Daniel Paul Drevnick, July 18, 2009. Army Spc. Randy L.J. Neff Jr., July 24, 2009Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. Joshua James Rimer, July 24, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Spc. Justin Dean Coleman, July 26, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Pvt. 1st Class Richard Kelvin Jones, Aug. 4, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Sgt. 1st Class Alejandro Granado, August 4, 2009. Army Cpt. Ronald George Luce, August 4, 2009. Army Pvt. Patrick Scott Fitzgibbon, August 4, 2009. Army Cpl. Jonathan Michael Walls, August 4, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Mississippi National Guardsman Sgt. 1st Class Severin West Summers, August 4, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Pvt. Keiffer P. Wilhelm, August 6, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Spc. Richard A. Walters Jr., August 11, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Marine Lance Cpl. Bruce E. Ferrell, August 13, 2009. Army Cpl. Nicholas R. Roush, August 17, 2009. Army Spc. Troy Orion Tom, August 21, 2009. Army Pfc. William Z. Vanosdol, Aug. 22, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Matthew Ingram, August 23, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Army Staff Sgt. Andrew Lobosco, Aug. 24, 2009Steve Ruark—AP
Army Cpl. Darby T. Morin, August 24, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Matthew E. Wildes, August 29, 2009. Army Spc. Jordan M. Shay, September 6, 2009. Staff Sgt. Michael C. Murphrey, September 9, 2009. Marine Staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick, September 10, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Army Pfc. Zachary T. Myers, September 10, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher S. Fowlkes, September 11, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. 1st Class Duane A. Thornsbury, September 14, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. Daniel L. Cox, September 14, 2009. Army Sgt. Andrew H. McConnell, September 16, 2009. Army Spc. Demetrius L. Void, September 16, 2009. Army 1st Lt. David T. Wright, September 16, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Spc. Corey J. Kowall, September. 22, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. Michael S. Cote Jr., September 22, 2009. Army Pfc. William L. Meredith, September 23, 2009. Army Staff Sgt. Alex French IV, October 2, 2009. Army Spc. Ross E. Vogel III., October 2, 2009. Marine Staff Sgt. Aaron J. Taylor, October 11, 2009. Army Spc. Daniel C. Lawson, October 16, 2009. Army Staff Sgt. Glen H. Stivison, October 16, 2009. Army Pfc. Brandon Styer, October 16, 2009. Marine Lance Cpl. David R. Baker, October 22, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Staff Sgt. Stephen L. Murphy, November 9, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. Julian L. Berisford, November 6, 2009. Army Spc. Tony Carrasco Jr., November 6, 2009. Army Chief Warrant Officer Earl R. Scott III, November 10, 2009. Marine Lance Cpl. Justin J. Swanson, November 12, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. Shawn Hefner, November 15, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. Christopher Coffland, November 15, 2009. Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Zorn, November 17, 2009. Army Spc. Joseph M. Lewis, November 20, 2009. Army Staff Sgt. John J. Cleaver, November 21, 2009. Army Spc. Daniel A. Frazier, November 21, 2009. Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Hand, November 24, 2009. Army Spc. Jason A. McLeod, November 24, 2009. Army Pfc. Marcus A. Tynes Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2009. Army Sgt. James M. Nolen, November 24, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. Brandon T. Islip, December 5, 2009.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. Elijah J. Rao, December 7, 2009. Petty Officer 3rd Class David M. Mudge, December 9, 2009. Pfc. Jaiciae L. Pauley, December 12, 2009. Tech. Sgt. Anthony C. Campbell, December 17, 2009. Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Brian Bowman (L), and Sgt. Joshua Lengstorf, January 4, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, January 4, 2010. Pfc. Michael R. Jarrett, January 7, 2010. Marine Staff Sgt. Matthew N. Ingham, January 14, 2010. Sgt. Christopher R. Hrbek, January 16, 2010. Sgt. 1st Class Michael P. Shannon, January 19, 2010. Army Capt. Paul Pena, January 20, 2010. Tech. Sgt. Adam K. Ginett, January 20, 2010. Army Staff Sgt. Thaddeus S. Montgomery, January 22, 2010. Pfc. Gifford Hurt, January 22, 2010. Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. James T. Poole Jr., January 27, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Marine Sgt. Daniel M. Angus, January 27, 2010. Marine Lance Cpl. Jeremy M. Kane, January 27, 2010. Marine Lance Cpl. Michael L. Freeman, February 2, 2010. Army Sgt. Dillon B. Foxx, February 12, 2010. Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. Adam Ray, February 12, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Cpl. Jacob H. Turbett, February 15, 2010. Lance Cpl. Adam D. Peak, February 23, 2010. Staff Sgt. Christopher W. Eckard, February 23, 2010. Spc. Ian T.D. Gelig, March 2, 2010. Staff Sgt. William S. Ricketts, March 2, 2010. Spc. Alan N. Dikcis, March 7, 2010. Pvt. Nicholas S. Cook, March 9, 2010. Sgt. Aaron Arthur, March 10, 2010. Spc. Lakeshia Bailey, March 10, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Erin L. McLyman, March 15, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Cpl. Jonathan D. Porto, March 16, 2010. Staff Sgt. Richard Jordan, March 17, 2010. Chief Petty Officer Adam L. Brown, March 19, 2010. Sgt. Frank J. World, April 4, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Tyler O. Griffin, April 4, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: 1st Lt. Robert Collins, April 10, 2010. Pfc. William A. Blount, April 10, 2010. Army Spc. Joseph T. Caron, April 13, 2010. Pfc. Jonathon D. Hall, April 15, 2010. Sgt. 1st Class Charles L. Adkins, April 18, 2011. Sgt. Michael K. Ingram Jr., April 19, 2010. Airman 1st Class Austin H. Gates Benson, May 4, 2010. Sgt. Anthony O. Magee, May 4, 2010. Spc. Wade A. Slack, May 8, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Cpl. Nicholas D. Pardarodriguez (R), Navy Petty Officer Zarian Wood, May 17, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Billy G. Anderson, May 19, 2010. Lance Cpl. Philip P. Clark, May 19, 2010. Staff Sgt. Shane S. Barnard, May 20, 2010. Maj. Ronald W. Culver, May 26, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Christopher R. Barton, May 26, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Jake W. Suter, May 31, 2010. Lance Cpl. Anthony A. Dilisio, June 1, 2010. Spc. Jonathan K. Peney, June 3, 2010. Marine Lance Cpl. Derek Hernandez, June 8, 2010. Marine Sgt. Brandon C. Bury, June 8, 2010. Cpl. Donald M. Marler, June 8, 2010. Army Spc. Brendan P. Neenan, June 8, 2010. Army Lt. Michael E. McGahan, June 8, 2010. Sgt. Derek L. Shanfield, June 10, 2010 Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Zachary J. Walters, June 10, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. 1st Class Robert J. Fike, June 13, 2010. Sgt. Mario Rodriguez, June 13, 2010. Spc. Christian M. Adams, June 13, 2010. Staff Sgt. Bryan A. Hoover, June 13, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Brian M. Anderson, June 14, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Joseph D. Johnson, June 18, 2010. Cpt. Michael P. Cassidy, June 18, 2010. Pfc. Gunnar R. Hotchkin, June 18, 2010. Lance Cpl. Michael C. Bailey, June 18, 2010. Spc. Benjamin D. Osborn, June 18, 2010. Pfc. Benjamin J. Park, June 20, 2010. Seaman William F. Ortega, June 20, 2010. Staff Sgt. James P. Hunter, June 20, 2010. Spc. Jacob P. Dohrenwend, June 22, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Scott A. Andrews, June 23, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Lance Cpl. Timothy G. Serwinowski, June 23, 2010. Cpl. Claudio Patino IV, June 25, 2010. Pfc. Russell E. Madden, June 25, 2010. 1st Sgt. Eddie Turner, June 25, 2010. Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Anthony T. Justesen, June 26, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Anthony T. Justesen, June 26, 2010. Staff Sgt. Edwardo Loredo, June 26, 2010. Pfc. Robert K. Repkie, June 26, 2010. Marine Sgt. Joseph D. Caskey, June 28, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. William Richards (top), Marine Sgt. Joseph D. Caskey, June 28, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Spc. David W. Thomas, June 28, 2010. Pfc. Nathaniel D. Garvin, July 14, 2010. Pfc. Nathaniel D. Garvin, July 14, 2010. Pfc. Jacob A. Dennis, July 17, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Matthew W. Weikert, July 18, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: 1st Lt. Robert Bennedesen, July 20, 2010. Sgt. Anibal Santiago, July 20, 2010. Sgt. Justin B. Allen, July 20, 2010. Gunnery Sgt. Christopher Eastman, July 20, 2010. Cpl. Joe L. Wrightsman, July 21, 2010. Cpl. Paul J. Miller, July 21, 2010. Pfc. James J. Oquin, July 24, 2010. Army 1st Lt. Michael L. Runyan, July 24, 2010. Staff Sgt. Conrad A. Mora, July 26, 2010.
Spc. Joseph A. Bauer, July 26, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Joseph A. Bauer, July 26, 2010. Spc. Andrew L. Hand, July 26, 2010. Cpt. Jason E. Holbrook, July 30, 2010. Staff Sgt. Kyle R. Warren, July 30, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Cpl. Max W. Donahue, August 8, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Bradley D. Rappuhn, Aug. 10, 2010. Spc. Faith R. Hinkley, Aug. 10, 2010. Pfc. Vincent E. Gammone III, Aug. 10, 2010. Pfc. Vincent E. Gammone III Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010. Lance Cpl. Kevin M. Cornelius, Aug. 10, 2010. Pfc. Paul O. Cuzzupe, Aug. 10, 2010. Sgt. Andrew C. Nicol, Aug. 10, 2010. Cpl. Kristopher D. Greer, Aug. 14, 2010. Spc. Jamal M. Rhett, Aug. 17, 2010. Steve Ruark—AP
Staff Sgt. Derek J. Farley and Pvt. Charles M. High IV, August 19, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Lance Cpl. Kevin E. Oratowski, Aug. 20, 2010. Sgt. Jason D. Calo, Aug. 24, 2010. Sgt. Ronald A. Rodriguez, Aug. 24, 2010. Sgt. Steven J. Deluzio, Aug. 24, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Pedro A. Millet, August 24, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Gunnery Sgt. Floyd E. C. Holley, Aug. 31, 2010. Staff Sgt. Casey J. Grochowiak, Sept. 1, 2010. Army Pfc. Chad D. Clements, Sept. 1, 2010. Sgt. Vinson Adkinson, Sept. 1, 2010. Marine Cpl. John C. Bishop, Sept. 9, 2010. Marine Cpl. Philip G.E. Charte, Sept. 9, 2010. Army Sgt. Phillip C. Jenkins, Sept. 9, 2010. Army Pvt. James F. McClamrock into a transfer vehicle, Sept. 9, 2010. Senior Airman Daniel R. Sanchez, Sept. 18, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Donald S. Morrison, September 27, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Justin A. Officer, Sept. 30, 2010. Lance Cpl. Ralph J. Fabbri, Sept. 30, 2010. Senior Airman Mark Forester, Sept. 30, 2010. Army Pfc. Cody A. Board, Oct. 7, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. Karl A. Campbell, October 7, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Pfc. Ryane G. Clark, Oct. 7, 2010. Army Spc. Joseph T. Prentler, Oct. 7, 2010. Navy Hospital Corpsman Edwin Gonzalez, Oct. 11, 2010. Cpl. Jorge Villarreal Jr., Oct. 18, 2010. Lance Cpl. Francisco R. Jackson, Oct. 21, 2010. Staff Sgt. Joshua J. Cullins, Oct. 21, 2010. Staff Sgt. Kenneth K. McAninch, Oct. 23, 2010. Spc. Ronnie J. Pallares, Oct. 25, 2010. Army Spc. James C. Young, Nov. 5, 2010. Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. Brandon W. Pearson, November 6, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Lance Cpl. Matthew J. Broehm, Nov. 6, 2010. Sgt. Michael F. Paranzino, Nov. 6, 2010. Senior Airman Andrew S. Bubacz, Nov. 14, 2010. Spc. Shannon Chihuahua, Nov. 14, 2010. Steve Ruark—AP
Staff Sgt. Javier O. Ortiz Rivera, November 18, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. David S. Robinson, Nov. 21, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Sgt. Jason T. Smith, Nov. 21, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Pvt. Buddy W. McLain, Dec. 1, 2010. Pfc. Jacob A. Gassen, Dec. 1, 2010. Sgt. 1st Class Barry E. Jarvis, Dec. 1, 2010. Sgt. Vincent W. Ashlock, Dec. 5, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. Lucas C. Scott, Dec. 5, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Michael E. Geary, Dec.10, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. David D. Finch, December 10, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. James A. Ayube II, Dec. 10, 2010. Spc. Kelly J. Mixon, Dec. 10, 2010. Lance Cpl. Jose L. Maldonado, Dec. 20, 2010. Cpl. Sean A. Osterman, Dec. 21, 2010.Steve Ruark—AP
Marine Lance Cpl. Maung P. Htaik, Jan. 3, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Cpl. Jacob A. Tate, Jan. 4, 2011. Pfc. Robert J. Near, Jan. 8, 2011. Spc. Martin J. Lamar, Jan. 17, 2011. Sgt. Michael P. Bartley, Jan. 17, 2011. Cpl. Joseph C. Whitehead, Jan. 19, 2011. Sgt. 1st Class Anthony Venetz Jr., Jan. 30, 2011. Cpl. Lucas T. Pyeatt, Feb. 7, 2011. Lance Cpl. Andrew P. Carpenter, Feb. 20, 2011. Sgt. Kristopher James Gould, March 4, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Christopher Glenn Stark, March 4, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Staff Sgt. Chauncy Ryan Mays, March 4, 2011. Cpl. Jordan R. Stanton, March 7, 2011. Cpl. Loren M. Buffalo, March 11, 2011. Pfc. Kalin C. Johnson, March 11, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. 1st Class Daehan Park, March 14, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Senior Airman Michael J. Hinkle II, and Sgt. Travis M. Martin, March 17, 2011. Staff Sgt. James M. Malachowski, March 23, 2011. Spc. Justin D. Ross, March 27, 2011. Petty Officer 1st Class Vincent A. Filpi III, March 30, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Transfer cases containing the remains of, left to right, Staff Sgt. Ofren Arrechaga, Staff Sgt. Frank E. Adamski III, Pfc. Dustin J. Feldhaus, Spc. Jameson L. Lindskog and Pvt. 2nd Class Jeremy P. Faulkner sit on a loader at Dover Air Force Base, Del. Thursday, March 31, 2011. . Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. Michael S. Lammerts, April 6, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pvt. Brandon T. Pickering, April 15, 2011. Army Sgt. 1st Class Charles L. Adkins, April 18, Spc. Joseph B. Cemper, April 18, 2011. Staff Sgt. Cynthia R. Taylor, left, and Capt. Charles E. Ridgley Jr., April 18, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Linda L. Pierre, April 18, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Senior Airman Kevin Gilliam, center, closes a transfer vehicle with transfer cases containing the remains of 1st Lt. Omar J. Vasquez and Pfc. Antonio G. Stiggins at Dover Air Force Base, Del., April 25, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Pfc. Riley S. Spaulding, May 5, 2011. Lance Cpl. Peter J. Clore, May 31, 2011. Spc. Adam S. Hamilton, May 31, 2011. Spc. Richard C. Emmons III, June 2, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Jason D. Hill, June 14, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Capt. Michael W. Newton, June 14, 2011. Lance Cpl. Sean M. O'Conner, June 14, 2011. Lance Cpl. Joshua B. McDaniels, June 14, 2011.Pvt. Ryan J. Larson, June 16, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Joshua L. Jetton, left case, and Sgt. James W. Harvey II, June 22, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Jared C. Verbeek, June 23, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Marlon E. Myrie, June 27, 2011. 1st Lt. Dimitri A. Del Castillo, June 27, 2011. Army Pfc. James A. Waters, left case, Army Capt. Matthew G. Nielson, center case, and Marine Cpl. Kyle R. Schneider, July 2, 2011. Spc. Jordan C. Schumann, and Sgt. Nicanor Amper IV, July, 7, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Robert S. Greniger, July 14, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Seaman Aaron D. Ullom, July 14, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Jeremy R. Summers, July 15, 2011. Lance Cpl. Jabari Thompson, July 18, 2011. Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth B. Elwell, July 18, 2011. Sgt. William B. Gross Paniagua, August 1, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Brice M. Scott, August 1, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Staff Sgt. Leon H. Lucas Jr., Aug. 4, 2011. Sgt. Anthony Del Mar Peterson, Aug. 5, 2011. Sgt. Daniel J. Patron, Aug. 8, 2011. Sgt. Daniel D. Gurr, Aug. 8, 2011. Sgt. Joshua J. Robinson, Aug. 9, 2011. Sgt. Adan Gonzales Jr., Aug. 9, 2011. Cpl. Nicholas S. Ott, Aug. 13, 2011. Spc. Jameel T. Freeman, Aug. 13, 2011. Navy Hospitalman Riley Gallinger-Long, left case, and Army Master Sgt. Charles L. Price III, Aug. 13, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Army Spc. Jameel T. Freeman, Army Spc. Patrick L. Lay II, Army and Pfc. Reuben J. Lopez, Aug. 13, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Patrick L. Lay II, Aug. 13, 2011. Pfc. Rueben J. Lopez, Aug. 13, 2011. 2nd Lt. Joe L. Cunningham, Aug. 15, 2011. Army Spc. Joseph A. Van Dreumel, Aug. 17, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Matthew A. Harmon Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Dennis G. Jensen, Aug. 18, 2011. Spc. Joshua M. Seals, Aug. 18, 2011. Army Pfc. Douglas L. Cordo, Aug. 20, 2011. Lance Cpl. Travis M. Nelson, Aug. 20, 2011. Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian K. Lundy Jr., Sept. 12, 2011. Pfc. Brett E. Wood, Sept. 12, 2011. Pfc. Tony J. Potter Jr., Sept. 12, 2011. Sgt. Bret D. Isenhower, Sept. 12, 2011. Sgt. 1st Class Danial R. Adams, Sept. 15, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Ryan J. Cook, Sept. 19, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Garrick L. Eppinger Jr., Sept. 19, 2011. Spc. Chazray C. Clark, Sept. 19, 2011. Pfc. Carlos A. Aparicio, Sept. 25, 2011. Sgt. Rafael E. Bigai Baez, Sept. 25, 2011. Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Rafael E. Bigai Baez sit on a loader during a prayer, Sept. 25, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Garrett A. Fant, Sept. 27, 2011. Lance Cpl. Franklin N. Watson, Sept. 27, 2011. Lance Cpl. John R. Wimpey Cagle, Sept. 30, 2011. 1st Lt. Ryan K. Iannelli, Sept. 30, 2011. Pfc. David A. Drake, Sept. 30, 2011. Spc. Steven E. Gutowski, Sept. 30, 2011. 1st Lt. Ivan D. Lechowich, Sept. 30, 2011. Staff Sgt. Nicholas A. Sprovtsoff, Oct. 1, 2011. Spc. James A. Butz, Oct. 1, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Christopher Diaz, Oct. 1, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Pvt. Danny Chen, Oct. 5, 2011. Lance Cpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt, Oct. 8, 2011. Spc. Ricardo Cerros Jr., Oct. 10, 2011. Capt. Drew E. Russell, Oct. 10, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Spc. Ricardo Cerros Jr., left case, and Army Capt. Drew E. Russell, Oct. 10, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Nathan L. Wyrick, Oct. 11, 2011. Lance Cpl. Scott D. Harper, Oct. 15, 2011. Spc. Jeremiah T. Sancho, Oct. 15, 2011. Pfc. Christopher A. Horns, Oct. 23, 2011. Marine Lance Cpl. Jason N. Barfield, Oct. 26, 2011. Lt. Col. David E. Cabrera, Oct. 31, 2011. Sgt. Carlo F. Eugenio, Oct. 31, 2011. Army Spc. Calvin M. Pereda, Nov. 13, 2011. Sgt. 1st Class Johnathan B. McCain at Dover Air Force Base, Del. Nov. 15, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. David E. Hickman at Dover Air Force Base, Del., Nov. 16, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. 1st Class Dennis R. Murray at Dover Air Force Base, Del., Nov. 24, 2011. Pvt. Jackie L. Diener II at Dover Air Force Base, Del., Nov. 24, 2011. Staff Sgt. Vincent J. Bell at Dover Air Force Base, Del., Dec. 2, 2011. Sgt. Ryan D. Sharp at Dover Air Force Base, Del., Dec. 9, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Ronald H. Wildrick Jr., Dec. 13, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Christopher P. J. Levy, Dec. 15, 2011.Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Pernell J. Herrera Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Dustin P. Napier, Jan.10, 2012. Cpl. Jon-Luke Bateman, Jan. 17, 2012. Lance Cpl. Kenneth E. Cochran, Jan. 17, 2012. Army Spc. Keith D. Benson, Jan. 19, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
Cpl. Jesse W. Stites and Marine Cpl. Kevin J. Reinhard, Jan. 23, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, Jan. 23, 2012. Capt. Nathan R. McHone, Jan. 23, 2012. Master Sgt. Travis W. Riddick, Jan. 23, 2012. Capt. Daniel B. Bartle, Jan. 23, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
Army Pfc. Cesar Cortez, Feb. 14, 2012Steve Ruark—AP
John D. Loftis, Feb. 27, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
Maj. Robert J. Marchanti II, Feb. 27, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Army Staff Sgt. Jesse J. Grindey, March 14, 2012. Capt. Aaron D. Istre, March 26, 2012. Staff Sgt. Christopher L. Brown, April 5, 2012. Spc. Jeffrey L. White Jr., April 5, 2012. Lance Cpl. Abraham Tarwoe, April 16, 2012. Staff Sgt. David P. Nowaczyk, April 17, 2012. Sgt. Tanner S. Higgins, April 17, 2012. Staff Sgt. Dick A. Lee Jr., April 29, 2012. Sgt. Nicholas M. Dickhut, May 2, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Master Sgt. Gregory L. Childs, May 7, 2012Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Staff Sgt. Israel P. Nuanes, May 15, 2012. 2nd Lt. Tobias C. Alexander, May 23, 2012. Spc. Arronn D. Fields, May 24, 2012. Lt. Travis A. Morgado, May 24, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Lance Cpl. Steven G. Sutton, May 29, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Julian B. Chase, May 29, 2012. Lance Cpl. Steven G. Sutton Tuesday, May 29, 2012. Lance Cpl. Joshua E. Witsman on Saturday, June 2, 2012. Petty Officer 2nd Class Sean E. Brazas, June 2, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
Army Pfc. Nathan T. Davis, June 11, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Jarrod A. Lallier, June 19, 2012. Staff Sgt. Matthew B. Thomas, June 21, 2012. Maj. Paul C. Voelke, June 25, 2012.Lance Cpl. Eugene C. Mills III,June 25, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Steven P. Stevens II, June 25, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Lance Cpl. Hunter D. Hogan, June 27, 2012. Lance Cpl. Niall W. Cotisears, June 27, 2012. Staff Sgt. Raul M. Guerra, July 5, 2012. Lance Cpl. Niall W. Cotisears, June 27, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Capt. Bruce A. MacFarlane, July 8, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Juan P. Navarro, July 10, 2012. Pfc. Alejandro J. Pardo, July 12, 2012. Pfc. Trevor B. Adkins, July 12, 2012. Staff Sgt. Ricardo Seija, July 12, 2012. Spc. Clarence Williams III, July 12, 2012. Spc. Cameron J. Stambaugh, July 12, 2012. Spc. Erica P. Alecksen, July 12, 2012. Spc. Sterling W. Wyatt, July 13, 2012. Army Spc. Nicholas A. Taylor, July 19, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Army Sgt. Daniel A. Rodriguez, July 19, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Pfc. Brenden N. Salazar, July 24, 2012. Staff Sgt. Brandon R. Pepper, July 24, 2012. Pfc. Julian L. Colvin, July 24, 2012. Sgt. Richard L. Berry, July 24, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Justin M. Hansen, July 26, 2012. Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: 1st Lt. Sean R. Jacobs Sunday, July 29, 2012. Sgt. 1st Class Bobby L. Estle, July 30, 2012. Spc. Benjamin C. Pleitez, July 30, 2012. Pfc. Jose Oscar Belmontes, July 30, 2012. Petty Officer 3rd Class Clayton R. Beauchamp, Aug. 9, 2012. Spc. Ethan J. Martin, Aug. 9, 2012. Spc. Richard A. Essex, Aug. 19, 2012. Spc. James A. Justice, Aug. 19, 2012. Chief Warrant Officer Brian D. Hornsby, Aug. 19, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Petty Officer 1st Class Sean P. Carson, Aug. 19, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Chief Warrant Officer Suresh N. A. Krause, Aug. 19, 2012. Sgt. Jason M. Swindle, Sept. 22, 2012. Sgt. Jeremy F. Hardison, Oct. 2, 2012. Sgt. Thomas J. Butler, Oct. 2, 2012.Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Donna R. Johnson, Oct. 2, 2012Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. Robert J. Billings, Oct. 15, 2012. Spc. Brittany B. Gordon, Oct. 15, 2012. Sgt. Matthew H. Stiltz, Nov. 13, 2012. Spc. Joseph A. Richardson, Nov. 18, 2012. Marine Lance Cpl. Dale W. Means, Nov. 21, 2012, Cpl. Christopher M. Monahan Jr., Nov. 28, 2012. Lance Cpl. Anthony J. Denier, Dec. 4, 2012. Sgt. 1st Class Darren M. Linde, Dec. 5, 2012. Spc. Tyler J. Orgaard, Dec. 5, 2012 Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Markie T. Sims, Dec. 31, 2012Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Sgt. David J. Chambers, Jan. 19, 2013. Tech Sgt. Larry D. Bunn, 2013. Capt. Andrew M. Pedersen-Keel, March 12, 2013. Staff Sgt. Rex L. Schad, March 12, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
Sgt. Tristan M. Wade, March 26, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
Spc. Trinidad Santiago Jr., May 4, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
Pfc. Charles P. McClure, May 4, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
From Top Left: Spc. Brandon J. Prescott, May 7, 2013. Spc. Thomas P. Murach, May 7, 2013. Cpl. David M. Sonka, May 7, 2013. 1st Lt. Brandon J. Landrum, May 7, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
Staff Sgt. Francis G. Phillips IV, May 7, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
Staff Sgt. Michael H. Simpson, May 7, 2013Steve Ruark—AP
Staff Sgt. Eric D. Christian, May 7, 2013Steve Ruark—AP

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