PJL: March 2013

14 minute read

Features and Essays

Eugene Richards: The New Oil Landscape (The National Geographic magazine) The fracking frenzy in North Dakota has boosted the U.S. fuel supply—but at what cost?

Alex Webb: The Ambiguous Island (The New York Times) Cuba

Alex Webb: Mahogany’s Last Stand (NGM) Illegal logging has all but wiped out Peru’s mahogany. Loggers are turning their chain saws on lesser known species critical to the health of the rain forest.

Evgenia Arbugaeva: Mammoth Tusk Hunters (NGM) Ancient hunters killed woolly mammoths for their meat. Today in Russia’s Arctic the search is on for their valuable tusks.

Peter van Agtmael: The Resisters (The New York Times Magazine) A village in West Bank testing limits of unarmed resistance

Lynsey Addario: Syrian Refugees (Feb.) | Syrian Refugees (March) (The New York Times) Little Relief in North Syria, Where Need Is Acute

Lynsey Addario: Syrian Civilians (NYT) Syrian Civilians, Empowering Themselves

Brian Sokol: The Most Important Thing (Panos Pictures) The most important thing Syrian refugees were able to take with them from home.

Bryan Denton: The Battle Over Syria (NYT)

Bryan Denton: For Shelter-Seeking Syrians, Home Is a Cave (NYT)

Alessio Romenzi: Female Syrian Fighter (Paris Match L’instant)

Guillem Vaille: Syrie. L’hiver du Kurdistan (Paris Match L’instant)

Yuri Kozyrev: America’s Long Withdrawal from Afghanistan (LightBox)

Bryan Denton: Transition in Afghanistan (NYT)

Hossein Fatemi: Afghanistan: A Troubled Legacy (Panos)

Jan Grarup: Last Danish Soldiers in Helmand (Politiken) Afghanistan

.357 Magnum revolverJerome Delay / AP

Jerome Delay: Mali’s Invisible War (LightBox)

Joe Penney: Imaging Mali (Reuters Full Focus)

Kim Badawi: Chinese in Egypt: The Migratory Silk Road (Reportage by Getty Images)

Tyler Hicks: Kenya’s Rift Valley, Five Years After Election Violence (NYT)

Samuel James: Illicit Oil Industry in the Niger Delta (Lens blog)

Pierre Terdjman: Tunisie, le printemps fané (Paris Match L’instant)

Sarah Elliott: The Widows of Abu Salim Prison (Reportage) Libya

Kaet Holt: Defending Goma (zReportage)

Oded Balilty / AP

Oded Balilty: Waiting for a new pope (The Guardian)

Christopher Morris: Waiting for the New Pope (LightBox)

Christopher Morris: Conclave: A Short Film (LightBox)

Yuri Kozyrev: Bolshoi Ballet (LightBox)

Misha Friedman: Drama at the Bolshoi (Photo Booth)

Guillaume Herbaut: Bolschoi (Institute)

Sergey Ponomarev: Cossacks Expand Their Role in Russian Life (NYT)

Q. Sakamaki: Japan: Two Years After (Photo Booth)

David Chancellor: Rhino Protection (Institute)

Massimo Vitali: Brazil (NYT Magazine) Related article on the magazine’s 6th Floor blog

Christopher Anderson: Capitolio (El Mundo)

Jerome Sessini: Hugo Chavez Tribute (Magnum Photos)

Ed Kashi: Nicaragua (New Yorker Photo Booth)

Gustav Arvidsson: Land and Loss in Colombia (Lens blog)

Kim Badawi: Aldeia Maracanã (Reportage) Brazil

Miquel Dewever-Plana: Guatemala (Agence VU) Trial of a genocide

Gary Knight: On the frontlines: Start of the Iraq War (CNN Photo Photo blog)

Thorne Anderson: The Months Before The Iraq War (CNN Photo Photo blog)

Alexandra Boulat: Iraq (Paris Match L’instant photo blog)

Sara Naomi Lewkowicz: A Portrait of Domestic Violence (LightBox) Photographer as Witness | Related: video

Mike Brodie: A Period of Juvenile Prosperity (LightBox) On Paris Match L’instant

Doug Dubois: The Lingering Light of Childhood (LightBox) Irish youth

Jocelyn Lee: Minor Stories (Institute)

Hiroyuki Ito: One Cat, Three Lives (Lens blog)

Kadir van Lohuizen: California’s ‘Little Baghdad’ (CNN Photo blog)

John Moore: Detained, Deported and Determined (The New York Times Lens blog)

John Moore: The Newest and Youngest Americans (Lens blog)

Kirsten Luce: Same Southern Border, Varied Views (NYT) Images of the United States’ southern border

Matt Eich: Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup (Photo Booth)

Jim Urquhart: Mars on Earth (TIME) A Look at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah

Gaia Squarci: Guided by Blindness (Lens blog) Photos of the visually impaired

Amy Lombard: Love and Sliders: Valentine’s Day at White Castle (TIME)

Anastasia Taylor-Lind: Return to River Town (NGM) In 1996 a Peace Corps volunteer arrived in Fuling, a sleepy town on the Yangtze, to teach English. He went back recently to find the landscape—and his former students—transformed.

Matthew Niederhauser: Counterfeit Paradises (Institute) China

Mark Leong: Welcome to Wuwucun, a Village in the City (China File) China

Noriko Hayashi: Unholy Matrimony (Panos Pictures) Kyrgyzstan

Mikel Aristregi: Way Down and Out in Ulan Bator (Lens blog) Mongolia

James Nachtwey: Drug-Resistant TB in India (LightBox)

Daniel Berehulak: The Kumbh Mela in 2013 (LightBox)

Kuni Takahashi: India’s Child Labor Problem (NYT)

Munem Wasif: Shahbag Square (Agence VU) Bangladesh – Protests against war crimes

Allison Shelley: In Hindu Ritual, Nepali Women Are Banished Once A Month (NPR)

Frédéric Lecloux: Daily Epiphanies (Agence VU) Nepal

Pari Dukovic: Burma Wave (New Yorker Photo Booth)

Gratiane de Moustier: Domestic Workers in Indonesia (Lens blog)

Daniel Etter: Fortress Europe (Zeit) Fortress Europe is a photographic journey along the European Union’s external borders, telling the stories of undocumented migrants.

Alexandros Demetriades: Divided Cyprus (Lens blog)

George Georgiou: Turkey’s Changing Landscape (CNN Photo blog)

Riverboom: Like a Turk (Institute)

Ivor Prickett: Kurdistan – 10 Years On (Panos Pictures)

Amos Chapple: Inside Iran (The Boston Globe Big Picture blog)

Simon Norfolk: Failed Ambitions: Spain’s Economic Collapse (Photo Booth)

Simon Norfolk: God’s Light Show (The New York Times Magazine)

Jim Naughten: Conflict and Costume in Namibia (LightBox) Also on The Guardian here

George Steinmetz: Desert Air (MSNBC)

Robert Burley: The Disappearance of Darkness (Lens blog) The Disappearance of Darkness

René Burri: Impossible Réminiscences (Paris Match L’instant photo blog)

Annie Ling: Ousted by the City, Tenants Seek a Home (Lens blog)

Nadia Shira Cohen and Paulo Siqueira: Where Home Is an Elusive Fantasy (Lens blog)

Louis Quail: The Desk Job (Wired Raw File photo blog)

Robin Schwartz: Amelia and the Animals (Photo Booth)


A Decade of War in Iraq: The Images That Moved Them Most (LightBox)

Photographers’ notebook: Iraq war (Reuters Full Focus)

Photographers’ Oral History of the Iraq War (Lens blog)

The 10 Most Iconic Images from Iraq (Foreign Policy)

Ten Years On: Photojournalists on War (Photo Booth)

NOOR: Covering Iraq (NOOR website)

10th Anniversary of The Start of the Iraq War (Magnum Photos)

Iraq, Ten Years Ago and Now (The New Yorker)

The Iraq War, 10 years on (CNN)

War in Iraq — a look back 10 years later (Los Angeles Times Framed photo blog)

Their War at Home : Iraqi War Photographers (The New York Times)

Faces of war: hear the stories behind iconic images of Iraq conflict (Guardian)

Iraq War’s 10th Anniversary: Occupation and Insurgency (The Atlantic)

Chip Somodevilla’s Haunting Iraq War Anniversary Photo from Arlington (BagNewsNotes)

Bill Neely: Fred Nérac, my ITN colleague, disappeared in a warzone. The joke we shared still haunts me (The Observer)

Syria: the story behind one of the most shocking images of the war (Guardian)

Behind the Picture: Aleppo’s River of Death (LightBox)

Richard Engel Reveals a Diary of His Syrian Kidnapping—and How His Captors Terrorized Their Victims (Vanity Fair)

Love letter to photographer Remi Ochlik killed in Syria (BBC) Audio | A Love Letter from Emilie Blachère to Rémi Ochlik (La Lettre de la Photographie)

French photographer Olivier Voisin dies in Syria (RFI English)

Photographer Olivier Voisin killed in Syria spoke of adrenaline (AP Big Story blog)

To make freelancing safer, young foreign journalists need more support and less sneering (The Independent)

Sheika al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani TIME 100
Natalie Naccache—The New York Times/Redux

“A Day Without News?”: Raising Awareness of the Perils of Reporting (LightBox)

Worldwide campaign launched to support conflict photographers and journalists (British Journal of Photography)

Killing the messenger, when journalists become targets (Amanpour blog on CNN)

The Missing Journalists of Syria’s War: The Struggle to Save Those Who Bear Witness (TIME)

It’s More Dangerous Than Ever to Be a Female War Reporter (The Atlantic)

It’s Tough to be a Reporter in a War Zone, for Both Men and Women (The Atlantic)

Running Toward Danger, Syria’s Citizens Become Journalists (Committee to Protect Journalists)

Syrian Conflict Transforms Woman From English Teacher into War Photographer (PetaPixel)

War & Fashion (CNN)

The Magnificent One: Philip Jones Griffiths (Donna Ferrato’s Vimeo)

Arrivals and Departures : Behind the scenes with Magnum Photographer Jacob Aue Sobol (Youtube)

Covering The Human Toll of Europe’s Economic Statistics (Lens blog)

National Geographic, Unpublished (The Washington Post) Unpublished photographs from National Geographic assignments

Documentary Chris Hondros planned (Greek America) Documentary’s website

Finding Vivian Maier – Official Movie Trailer (Youtube)

Serena Williams TIME 100
Paola Kudacki for TIME

At Close Proximity With War and Truth (Huffington Post) Alan Huffman’s Tim Hetherington biography ‘Here I Am’ reviewed

War photographer Tim Hetherington felt he had pushed his luck on day he died (The Telegraph)

Photo exhibit is witness to wars (Los Angeles Times) Photographers with works in a traveling exhibit at the Annenberg Space for Photography in Los Angeles called ‘War/Photography: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath’ talk about the images and life on the frontlines.

At War with the Obvious: Photographs by William Eggleston (The Telegraph)

‘In China, a Vast Chasm Between the Rich and the Rest’ by Sim Chi Yin (NYT)

To See the World: Marc Riboud’s Eye of the Traveler (LightBox)

A Second Look: Chim’s Children of War (LightBox) Chim: A Vivid Retrospective of Europe (Lens blog)

Elvis in the Beginning: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer (LightBox)

Happy 80th Birthday, Nina Simone: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer (LightBox)

Gordon Parks’s Harlem Family Revisited (Lens blog)

A Profound Beauty: Peter Hujar’s Timeless Portraits (LightBox)

Massif Management: Surf Photographers (Photo Booth)

Saving Face: The Portraits of Zanele Muholi (LightBox)

A Mexican Photographer, Overshadowed but Not Outdone (Lens Blog)

Here Far Away: The Visual Fables of Pentti Sammallahti (LightBox)

Peeking Inside Health Care: Nick Veasey’s Medical X-Rays (LightBox)

Chinese Family Memories, Recycled (Lens blog)

Bringing Color to Presidents Past (Lightbox)

Man who helped get WWII photo published dies (USA Today)

Nike FuelBand
Jonathan Olley

Real Photographer, Fake War: Jonathan Olley and Zero Dark Thirty (LightBox)

Guglielmo Galvin obituary (Guardian)

Contest to Name a Lawn Ends as It Gets Personal (The New York Times)

The Lens Rises in Stature (The New York Times)

The Role of the Camera and the Photos in Domestic Abuse: Maggie, Shane and Sara Lewkowicz (BagNewsNotes)

What It Feels Like To Be Photographed In A Moment Of Grief (NPR)

Francis Hodgson: ‘Submerged Trailer, Salton Sea, California’ by Richard Misrach (The Financial Times)

The 10 best … photographic self-portraits (Guardian)

Ed Koch’s Unconventional Portrait (NYT magazine 6th Floor blog)

Colombia’s Traveling Storyteller (Lens blog)

Out of Eden, Journal II — Expect the Unexpected by John Stanmeyer (The Photo Society)

National Geographic photojournalist Stanmeyer follows the first humans out of Africa (Berkshire Eagle)

The harrowing story behind the World Press Photo of the year (The Washington Post)

First place photographers react to winning World Press Photo prizes (CNN photo blog)

Why Do Photo Contest Winners Look Like Movie Posters? (PhotoShelter)

Magnum’s Morbid Symptoms (John Edwin Mason blog)

When Reality Isn’t Dramatic Enough: Misrepresentation in a World Press and Picture of the Year Winning Photo (BagNewsNotes)

Prize-Winning Photos and Lingering Questions (Lens blog)

Paolo Pellegrin Responds To Claim Of Misrepresented Winning World Press, POYi Photos (NPPA)

Just Make It Happen (Kenneth Jarecke blog)

2013 – the year we lost sight of what photography can achieve (Editorial Photographers UK)

The business of photojournalism (BBC)

Swiss photographer in legal battle to publish photobook (BJP)

Featured photographer: Dave Anderson (Verve Photo blog)

Featured photographer: Srinivas Kuruganti (Verve)

Featured photographer: Andrew Quilty (Verve)

Featured photographer: Elijah Hurwitz (Verve)

Marksta adds full IPTC metadata functionality to its popular watermarking app (British Journal of Photography)

LOOK3 : Festival of The Photograph, Charlottesville, June 13-15, 2013 (LOOK3)

Photoreporter festival comes back for its second edition, unveils winning projects (BJP)

What the LagosPhoto Festival is doing for photography in Nigeria (BJP)

Ex-Gamma photographer in legal woes over ownership of her images (BJP)

Time-Lapse Shows the Passing of a Day in New York City in 100,000+ Photos (PetaPixel)

New Sports Illustrated Photography Director: Brad Smith (NPPA)

Washington Post photographer on ‘impressionist’ shot landing on front page (Poynter)

Interviews and Talks

Goran Tomasevic (Reuters Photographers blog) Tomasevic on ‘the day Saddam Fell’

Yunghi Kim (NatGeo) First Person: Sneaking Into Iraq, 10 Years Ago | Ten years after the Iraq war began, a photographer recalls a harrowing trip.

Iraq 10 Years by Sean Smith (BBC)

David Gilkey (NPR) 10 Years Ago, A Night Vision Of The Iraq Invasion

Heathcliff O’Malley (Telegraph) Iraq 10 years on: photographing the war

Lynsey Addario (Lens blog) on daily life in Syria’s civil war

Lynsey Addario (The Huffington Post Live)

Goran Tomasevic (Reuters) Insight: Battle for Damascus: frozen but bloody

Bernat Armangué (BJP) “Stories are about people”

Giles Duley (Guardian) ‘I lost three limbs in Afghanistan, but had to go back … ‘ | Audio here

Jared Moossy (Nowhere magazine)

Janine di Giovanni (TED.com) What I saw in the war

Sebastião Salgado (Wanderlust) Salgado on man’s surprising relationship with nature

Steve McCurry pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4 (The Sartorialist)

William Klein (Lens blog)

William Allard (Youtube)

Matthieu Paley (PhotoShelter blog) Climbing to the Roof of the World

Rebecca Norris Webb (Flak Photo)

Rena Effendi (We Are OCA) Her life as a photographer

Saul Leiter (Lightbox) A Casual Conversation with Saul Leiter

Malaysia Airline
Standing in a rigid hull inflatable boat launched from the Australian Navy ship HMAS Perth, Leading Seaman, Boatswain's Mate, William Sharkey searches for possible debris in the southern Indian Ocean in the continuing search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 in this picture released by the Australian Defence Force April 17, 2014.David Guttenfelder / AP

David Guttenfelder (NPR) Live From North Korea, An Instagram Feed

Phil Bicker (PDN) Mining the Wires at TIME

Keith W. Jenkins (Canon Professional Network) On the evolution of multimedia

Francis Hodgson (jcoelberg.com) An Extended Conversation with Francis Hodgson

Stephanie Sinclair (National Geographic) on millions of young girls forced into marriage

Evgenia Arbugaeva (National Geographic)

Antonin Kratochvil (A Photo Editor) Kratochvil on his imaging style

Christopher Morris (The Los Angeles Times Framed photo blog)

David Burnett (BHPhotoVideo Youtube) Shooting Film in the Digital Age and Other Conundrums | Burnett on BH Insights blog here

Annie Leibovitz (Youtube) Young Leibovitz talks about her work

Christopher Anderson (Vice)

Alessandra Sanguinetti (Leica blog)

Anders Petersen (Gomma magazine)

Jean Gaumy (Leica Youtube)

Simon Roberts

Simon Roberts (Guardian) Simon Roberts’ best photograph: the London 2012 Olympics from above

Ken Grant (Guardian) Ken Grant’s best photograph: a child on the Merseyside coast

Anastasia Taylor-Lind (EFTI School of Photography Vimeo)

Kathryn Cook (Alexia Foundation) Cook on her work documenting the Armenian Genocide in Turkey

Michael Wolf (Foam on Youtube)

Ron Haviv (Takepart.com) “There Is a Need for Photojournalists”

Peter diCampo (Salon) Introducing Africa to the OMG crowd

Ben Lowy (EyeEm blog) War Through an iPhone Lens.

Brad Vest (Lens blog)

Daniel Rodrigues (Lens blog)

Mary McCartney (Guardian) McCartney on photography: ‘I’ve always been drawn to strong women’

Siphiwe Sibeko (Reuters) Inside the Pistorius courthouse

Alessandro Di Meo (BBC) Lightning really does strike twice

Andy Adams (LA Times Framed photo blog)

Maja Daniels (Thisisthewhat.com) 10 minutes with Maja Daniels

Olivia Bee (Guardian) ‘People don’t take me seriously – until they see me work’

Awards, Grants, and Competitions

2013 W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography : Deadline May 31, 2013

Henri Cartier-Bresson International Award : Deadline April 15th, 2013.

The Inge Morath Award 2013 : Deadline April 30, 2013

Emerging Photographer Fund : Deadline May 13, 2013 | $15,000 will be awarded to emerging photographers through the Magnum Foundation

The City of Levallois Photography Award : Deadline May 20, 2013

dvafoto’s Deadline Calendar – photo contests and calls for entry

Photo Contests and Grants Calendar (Jasminedefoore.com)

2013 Photography Grants & Sponsorships List (Pixiq)

World Press Photo Winners (Word Press Photo) Related: The World’s Best News Photos for 2012 (Lens blog) Swedish photographer Paul Hansen wins 56th World Press Photo (BJP)

World Press Photo announces Multimedia contest winners (BJP)

POYi Photographer of the Year: Paolo Pellegrin (Paolo)

PDN’s 30 2013 : New and Emerging Photographers to Watch (PDN)

International Center of Photography Announces 2013 Infinity Awards Winners (Reuters)

Days Japan International Photojournalism Awards 2013 Winners (Days Japan)

Announcing the 2013 Alexia Foundation Profession and Student Grant Winners (Alexia Foundation)

Alession Romenzi, Winner of Prix Lucas Dolega (Paris Match L’instant)

Panos photographer Robin Hammond wins 2013 FotoEvidence Book Award (BJP)

Photographer Louie Palu wins White House awards (Foreign Policy blog)

In pictures: Terry O’Neill TAG Award (BBC)

Times/Canon Young Photographer of the Year winner is Rob Stothard (The Times)

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