Egypt and Revolution

1 minute read

In a lyrical and moving photo essay, TIME contract photographer Dominic Nahr documents the tumult, tragedy, and ecstasy of revolution in Egypt.

Protestors are hosed by police after Friday prayers in Giza.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A torn poster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Tear gas fills a park in downtown Cairo during Friday protests against the Mubarak government.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A wounded protestor is carried away after being injured during clashes with police near Tahir Square.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A protestor takes cover behind a wall during clashes with police.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Thousands of protestors gather in Tahrir Square.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Protestors gather on a destroyed Egyptian police vehicle. Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Tahrir Square at midnight.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A car is engulfed in flames during protests after Friday prayers.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A prison transport vehicle abandoned in a river on the outskirts of Cairo.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Mubarak supporters make their way towards Tahrir Square where they violently clashed with protestors.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A molotov cocktail sails towards protestors in Tahrir Square.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Anti-Mubarak protestors relax on barges floating in the Nile River in Cairo.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Fireworks can be seen in the sky after president Hosni Mubarak's resignation in Tahrir square on Friday.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Celebrations after Mubarak's resignation.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A repainted curb in Tahrir Square.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Protestors light flares in celebration.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A party on a boat in the Nile River the day after Mubarak's resignation.Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
Exhausted protestors sleep in Tahrir Square. Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME
A protestor celebrates on a light pole after the news of Mubarak's resignation spread through the streets of Cairo. Dominic Nahr—Magnum for TIME

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