No Dog Has Ever Been This Fascinated by Carrots

1 minute read

It’s always fun to see what dogs will get really excited about. Maymo the beagle, for example, got super pumped when his humans tied carrots to the ceiling fan, creating a magical swirling universe of vegetables.

To be fair, Maymo is interested even before the carrots start moving. In the above video, he inspects them, considers biting them, sniffs them and watches them dangle for a while, all while they’re totally still. But then somebody turns on the fan and everything gets so much more exciting. He shows off some real ingenuity, too, climbing up on a table to get closer to the carrots.

In the end, Maymo is victorious. He manages to snag a carrot, which means he has beaten the evil swirling carrot monster and also gotten his day’s dose of vitamin A.

(h/t Mashable)

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