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Watch a Swedish TV Host Start a Fire While Trying to Fry Cheese Doodles

1 minute read

Today, March 5, is apparently National Cheese Doodle Day, because we definitely need a holiday to celebrate those delicious, chemical-laden snacks that leave our fingers coated with sticky orange dust.

To mark the special occasion, a pair of Swedish TV hosts decided to cook up some cheese doodles. Yes, cook them up. As opposed to just, you know, eating them raw.

In the above clip, host Jenny Strömstedt attempts to fry a batch of them, and everything goes great. Just kidding, everything goes terribly and she starts a pretty decent-sized fire. She does manage to stay cool and put out the fire after several separate flare-ups, and the whole ordeal ends up being pretty hilarious.

And we’ll admit: we’re kind of curious what fried cheese doodles taste like.

(h/t Uproxx)

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