This Man Has Written a Love Letter to His Wife Every Day for the Last 40 Years

2 minute read

This Saturday, like every Valentine’s Day, lovers young and old will try to find the perfect gift, word or gesture that will show their significant other the extent of their adoration. But one man in New Jersey has been doing that for his wife every day for the last 40 years — with more than 10,000 love letters.

Bill Bresnan, 74, describes the letters to his wife Kirsten, which are stored in 25 boxes in their attic, as a “love diary,” chronicling their journey together since they first met. “For example, I could pick out a day in 1982, and it’ll begin with the restaurant we ate in or a movie we saw and then a reaction to that,” he told ABC News.

The couple have been through a lot together, including when both of them were diagnosed with cancer within the space of a few years, but Bresnan has never missed an opportunity to write of his love for his wife.

And when every day is Valentine’s Day, it’s no surprise that the couple doesn’t have any big plans on Feb. 14.

“We’ll probably have a nice dinner, a special bottle of wine and a piece of chocolate,” Bresnan said. “We’re past the craving for jewelry and expensive nonsense. We just enjoy simply being together.”

[ABC News]

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