Woman Gives Birth to 14-Pound Baby

1 minute read

Maxxzandra Ford thought she was pregnant with twins. Instead, when she gave birth last Thursday, just one baby came out. One, 14-pound baby.

Avery Ford, at 14.1 pounds, set the record for the heaviest baby born at St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital, and is one of the largest babies ever born in Florida, Fox 13 Tampa Bay reports.

“I was cussing up a storm,” Maxxandra said of the birth. “Yeah, it was bad.”

Maxxandra and Allen Denson, the baby’s father, already have two other children. But with the addition of big baby Avery, “I have a linebacker now instead of a fullback,” Allen says.

[Fox 13 Tampa Bay]

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at tessa.Rogers@time.com