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This Man Is Launching a $3 Million Startup to Catch Bigfoot

2 minute read

We all have a dream. Carmine “Tom” Biscardi’s is to catch Bigfoot — and he’s hoping you’ll fund it.

Together with his partners, the renowned Sasquatch hunter is looking to raise $3 million by selling stock in his company, Bigfoot Project Investments, the Wall Street Journal reports.

His mission? To “capture the creature known as Bigfoot” according to the company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

But investors beware! This startup is not for the faint of heart.

“This would be the kind of thing where if you believed in Bigfoot, or you thought there really was a Bigfoot and you actually had some money to burn and wanted to play with this, then go for it,” investment guru Kathy Boyle told the Journal.

And Bigfoot purists themselves aren’t exactly thrilled with this venture, which they see “as the crass commercialization of a serious pursuit.”

Still, Biscardi isn’t worried. He maintains a “haters gonna hate” attitude: “When you’re king of the mountain, everybody’s trying to knock you down,” he told the Journal.

Strong words from a man who held a news conference in 2008 claiming he’d found the legendary beast — but it turned out to be a rubber gorilla costume.

This article originally appeared on People.com.

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