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In The Latest Issue

2 minute read

The Cost of Cheap Gas
Exploring the ramifications of cheap oil for the U.S., the world—and you

Should the U.S. Export?
A domestic Bonanza has some lawmakers rethinking 40 years of policy against selling American crude overseas

Texas Takes a Hit
Shale Riches created jobs and wealth. Now the state faces life after the boom

The Big Loser
Black markets. bread lines. In Venezuela, falling oil prices mean a reckoning for the socialist revolution

Global Forecast
With OPEC’s sway diminished, lower prices may have staying power. That means opportunities along with a sobering price tag

Barack Obama Is Ready to Rejoin the Battle
In the story of a Minnesota couple, an embattled President rediscovers his voice and his purpose

Obama Is Wasting His ‘Morning in America’ Chance
How he could be the Redistributor in Chief

China’s Bad Crowd
Beijing has fostered trade ties, but lacks reliable allies

Thinking Outside The Can
Campbell’s Soup CEO Denise Morrison is cooking up a new recipe to court consumers obsessed with healthy eating

The Republicans’ White House Watchdog
Jason Chaffetz starts his hunt for slip-ups

How the Super Bowl Became Pop’s Biggest Stage
Halftime is a hit

The Culture

Pop Chart

American Sniper’s Chances Rise in the Oscar Race
Clint Eastwood’s war film makes a bundle and snarls the competition

Xavier Dolan: Drama King
The blockbuster dreams of Canada’s indie wunderkind

Knope and Change
“Parks and Recreation” bet against cynicism and won

Where to Vacation With a Strong Dollar
How to get better deals for vacations abroad

College Admission Impossible
Trust me, students, you do not want to see the comments on your application



Troubled Waters on Planet Earth
New reports on the state of the oceans paint a grim picture

What the Egg Carton Really Means
How to unscramble confusing label claims

Something Ventured
New tech startups are being primed by a major boom in funding

Gay Marriage and the Law of the Land
The Supreme Court is poised to settle the fight once and for all

Tom Brady’s Last Shot?
The clock is ticking on a superstar


Barbra Streisand
Platinum queen

Tony Verna
Invented instant replay

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