• U.S.

Mom Recounts Moment 5-Year-Old Shot and Killed Baby

1 minute read

She had just put her 9-month-old down for a nap, turned on cartoons for the older kids and was headed for the dishwasher when she heard a strange “pop” come from the bedroom of the Missouri home.

Alexis Wiederholt, 26, said that as she rushed to investigate the noise, her 5-year-old son appeared and said something that didn’t make any sense to her in the moment.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I shot Corbin.”

Weiderholt ran past to the pack-and-play where Corbin, her always-smiling youngest, should have been resting peacefully.

“I walked in and there was my baby, lying there, bleeding,” the young mother told NBC News…

Read the rest of the story from our partners at NBC News

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