This Rat Hates Broccoli More Than You Do

1 minute read

Dexter the rat hates broccoli.

In this video making the rounds of the web, the furry little rodent makes his opinion about the dreaded green stuff abundantly clear—not only does he not want to eat it, he doesn’t even want to be in the same room as it. The only way Dexter’s rejection of the little cruciferous could be more adorable is if he had a French bulldog puppy to pass it off to.

Perhaps his owner should point out that eating more vegetables can increase your longevity, that broccoli sprouts can help with autism, broccoli can ease arthritis, and that it is very high in calcium? Or maybe they should try a different cooking technique altogether to convince the little guy that broccoli is a delicious snack. Cheese, perhaps?

Don’t tell his starving subway rat brethren, because they probably aren’t too good for free food—even if it is broccoli.

[H/T Reddit]

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