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This Is the Most Insane Basketball Shot You’ll See All Season

1 minute read

Even if you’re not much of a basketball fan, you’ll agree that this trick shot is crazy. At Friday’s night NBA game between the Utah Jazz and the Oklahoma City Thunder, Trevor Booker, who had just been subbed in for the Jazz, pulled off the ultimate move.

Watch it above — along with the announcer’s stunned response — and then again from a different angle:

You might be wondering why he attempted this maneuver — which was essentially volleyball-bumping the ball over his head — instead of catching it and shooting. As Deadspin points out, it’s all because of one specific rule in the NBA playbook. The rule clearly states that “the game clock and shot clock must show :00.3 or more in order for a player to secure possession of the ball on a rebound or throw-in to attempt a field goal.” When the pass came Booker’s way, there were just .2 seconds on the clock, so in a move of desperation, he decided to try something crazy.

Clearly it worked out.

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