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A German Paper That Reprinted Charlie Hebdo Cartoons Was Firebombed

1 minute read

A German tabloid that reprinted cartoons from French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, following last week’s terror attack on the magazine’s Paris offices, was targeted by arsonists on Sunday.

A firebomb and several stones were thrown through a window of the Hamburger Morgenpost in Hamburg’s Othmarschen borough, the Guardian reported. Authorities said the fire was contained quickly and the damage was relatively minor.

The attack on Charlie Hebdo’s offices by two al-Qaeda-affiliated gunmen on Wednesday killed 12 people including the magazine’s top staff, following which the Morgenpost reprinted three of the magazine’s controversial cartoons on its front page under the headline “This Much Freedom Must Be Possible!”

Police, however, said a link between the arson attack and the German newspaper’s publication of the cartoons has not yet been conclusively established.


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Write to Rishi Iyengar at rishi.iyengar@timeasia.com