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Watch Jimmy Fallon Challenge Liam Neeson to an Arm-Wrestling Match

2 minute read

Liam Neeson may have started out in Hollywood in sensitive art films like Ethan Frome and Husbands and Wives, but as the star of the Taken franchise, he is a bona fide action hero ready to take all comers at the drop of a hat or one cross word. So when Jimmy Fallon dares to insinuate that he could topple him in an arm-wrestling contest, Neeson has no choice but to pop a toothpick in his mouth and take him down.

While Neeson has a special set of skills that he can draw upon to take down his enemies and Fallon is, well, an affable talk show host, they do have one thing in common: In the throes of battle, they both like to recite what they will do when they win. For example, Fallon can’t wait to take Neeson down so he can get the Papa John’s slogan tattooed on his back, while Neeson wants to find 100 Jimmy Fallon lookalikes and throw Fallon the creepiest surprise party ever.

Those weren’t threats, though, they were promises and they were just the beginning. Watch the full challenge below:

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