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This Compilation of Dogs Skyping with Absent Owners Will Make You Howl Too

1 minute read

Dogs have an interesting relationship with technology: They still fear the vacuum cleaner and they still bark at cars, but they’ve managed to master Skype.

Until now. As the above video above, a series of absentee owners check in with their pooches electronically, and every animal seems to have a lot to say.

It’s very tempting to translate all this “dog talk” into inquiries about where the owners have gone, when they’re coming back and what presents they’re bringing back with them. But who are we kidding? We’re not fluent in dog, and all of that howling could just as easily be confusion about how their owners got trapped in the magic picture box.

Meanwhile, here’s to conquering that fear of the vacuum cleaner in 2015.

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This article originally appeared on People.com

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