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Here’s How to Trick Your Kids Into Thinking They’ve Stayed Up Until Midnight

1 minute read

Got children determined to stay up past their bedtimes on New Year’s Eve? You may be able to fool them into going to sleep at a reasonable hour thanks to Netflix.

In a recent study from Netflix and Wakefield research, 34% of parents admitted to celebrating the New Year early with their kids. To help these parents pull off this ruse in 2015, Netflix is offering a Madagascar-themed celebration video. King Julien the lemur leads a three-minute, animal-filled countdown to midnight. But since parents can play the video at any time, midnight can come a few hours early.

For those feeling guilty about tricking their offspring, just remember you convinced them a large bearded man brought them presents last week. And kids who otherwise would fall asleep before the ball drops can revel in their adulthood, while parents celebrate the real New Year with a glass of champagne in peace. Everybody wins.

But remember to change the clocks around your house if you pull this trick!

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Write to Eliana Dockterman at eliana.dockterman@time.com