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Watch Jimmy Fallon and Steve Carell Sing ‘Sexual Healing’ With a Barbershop Quartet

1 minute read

Steve Carell joined Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show Wednesday night, reminding the audience that he is not, in real life, the scary character he plays in Foxcatcher. The pair took turns singing verses from Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” as a candy-striped quartet ably delivered a four-part harmony behind them.

Running this song through the barbershop wringer extracts pretty much all of its soul — and sexiness, for that matter — and that seems to be the idea. The Ragtime Gals, as the group is known, has de-sexed such songs as “Ignition (Remix),” “I Wanna Sex You Up” and “SexyBack” — the latter featuring its original singer, Justin Timberlake. It’s all part of the “friendly fun house” to which Entertainment Weekly attributes Fallon’s successful takeover of the Tonight Show, earning him the much-deserved title of “Entertainer of the Year.”

Watch the full video here:

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Write to Eliza Berman at eliza.berman@time.com