Watch Janice Dickinson Tearfully Discuss Her Sexual Assault Allegation Against Bill Cosby

1 minute read

One of the many women who have come forward to accuse comedian Bill Cosby of sexual assault broke down while describing during a recent interview how the alleged rape has affected her life.

“I’m strong, and I’m gonna stand on my own two feet, and I’m going to tell my side of the story,” Janice Dickinson, a 59-year-old former supermodel, told CNN. “It’s not going to end here.”

Dickinson previously told Entertainment Tonight that in 1982 she had traveled to Lake Tahoe in California, where Cosby was performing, to talk about a possible job offer and her potential singing career. Dickinson claims that Cosby drugged her during dinner and that she woke up in pain the next morning with memories of the assault.

MORE: Everything You Need to Know About the Bill Cosby Scandal

Cosby’s attorney, Marty Singer, has said Dickinson’s accusation was a “complete lie.”

Watch the clip here.

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