Bill Cosby Resigns From Temple University Board of Trustees

1 minute read

Bill Cosby has resigned from Temple University’s board of trustees amid allegations of sexual assault.

Cosby announced his resignation in a statement released by the university on Monday. Cosby has had a seat on the board for 32 years.

“I have always been proud of my association with Temple University,” Cosby said in the statement. “I have always wanted to do what would be in the best interests of the university and its students. As a result, I have tendered my resignation from the Temple University Board of Trustees.”

The board “thank[ed] him for his service to the university.”

While other universities have cut ties with the comedian as more women have come forward alleging sexual assaults, Temple had stood by Cosby. 20 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault, and 10 of them have done so publicly. A petition from a 2005 Temple graduate calling for the university to end its relationship with Cosby has more than 1,000 signatures.

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