• U.S.

Ferguson Mayor: No Severance Package for Darren Wilson

1 minute read

The police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown did not receive a severance package for resigning, the mayor of Ferguson, Mo., announced Sunday.

According to Mayor James Knowles, 28-year-old Darren Wilson will not receive benefits or further pay following his Saturday resignation, the Associated Press reports.

Wilson’s lawyer, Neil Bruntrager, said Wilson resigned following threats against the police department of the St. Louis suburb.

Last Monday, a grand jury announced its decision to not indict Wilson for killing unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown during an Aug. 9 incident that sparked days of protests across the U.S. Wilson had been on administrative leave since then.

Brown’s family said Wilson’s resignation was not surprising.

“It was always believed that the police officer would do what was in his best interest, both personally and professionally,” said Benjamin Crump, an attorney speaking for Brown’s family. “We didn’t believe that he would be able to be effective for the Ferguson community nor the Ferguson Police Department because of the tragic circumstances that claimed the life of Michael Brown Jr.”

[Huffington Post]

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com