• U.S.

Car Plows Through Ferguson Protestors in Minneapolis

1 minute read

A car rammed through a group of demonstrators in Minneapolis Tuesday afternoon, running over one victim and hitting others who had gathered to protest after the Ferguson grand jury decision not to indict a white police officer for slaying a black teen.

At the march for Michael Brown near Minneapolis Police Department 3rd Precinct headquarters, the driver honked at protestors before hitting the gas and plowing through the crowd, appearing to run over the legs of one demonstrator, the Star Tribune reports.

Protestors climbed on the hood of what appears to be a dark-colored Subaru Outback, hitting its windows and windshield. The driver eventually stopped and is reportedly cooperating with police.

The Minneapolis march eventually gathered 1,000 demonstrators, and was one of many protests across the country Tuesday, which took place in multiple cities including New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Atlanta and Denver.

[Star Tribune]

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