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Here’s a Dedicated Hashtag Keyboard Key for Reasons We Don’t Fully Understand

1 minute read

Do you love hashtags but worry about getting hand cramps when you hold shift and press three simultaneously so often every day? Then you’ll love the HashKey, a new Kickstarter project to add a dedicated hashtag key to your computer via a USB accessory.

From the Kickstarter page:

HashKey is a unique one-key keyboard dedicated solely to the awesome hashtag. No more wondering how to do a hashtag on your computer or having to press two keys to make it happen! We want to save social media nerds around the world valuable seconds and celebrate the mighty hashtag’s contribution to digital communication!

The HashKey is a London-based project, so all the donation levels are in pounds — appropriate given that’s what the # symbol was known as until “hashtag” stole pound’s thunder. Pledging £17 or more plus shipping gets you a HashKey when they start shipping by the estimated date in March of next year. So far, 20 backers have pledged £327 towards a £15,000 goal, but 26 days remain before the Kickstarter timer runs out.

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