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This Honest Little Mermaid Trailer Takes the Disney Movie to Task

1 minute read

Disney doesn’t exactly have a reputation for making forward-thinking, feminist movies, although some would argue they’re making strides to correct that. And The Little Mermaid, which turns 25 this week, has inspired arguments on both sides of the debate (it’s feminist because Ariel is Eric’s savior, it’s anti-feminist because it praises young, beautiful women while vilifying old, ugly women). This new “honest trailer” lands squarely on the anti-feminist side, taking the movie to task not only for its prioritization of vanity, but also for being “whimsically fascist” and bastardizing the very notion of love.

Renaming the film “The Little Waistline,” the parody joins dozens of others by Screen Junkies meant to “tell you the truth about your favorite movies and TV shows.” They’re more likely to make you laugh, but they just might make you reconsider exactly what it is you’re nostalgic for.

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Write to Eliza Berman at eliza.berman@time.com