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Mark Zuckerberg Made One of Those Cheesy Facebook ‘Thanks’ Videos for His Wife, But It’s Kind of Cute

1 minute read

You may have noticed a new trend on Facebook that allows you to thank your friends for being your friend with a personalized video documenting said friendship.

It’s also entirely possible you haven’t noticed this yet. Based on some initial tests we ran, it yields some cheesy and/or weird results. Also, as my discerning colleague Victor Luckerson points out, “I just find the chasm between the emotional sentiment of the videos and the effort put in by person saying ‘thanks’ really, really funny.” (You really don’t have to do anything at all other than type in your friend’s name and hit play.)

A Zuckerberg Family Album

Born in 1984, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg grew up in Dobbs Ferry, New York, the son of a dentist and a psychiatrist who left her profession to work in her husband's office.
Born in 1984, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg grew up in Dobbs Ferry, New York, the son of a dentist and a psychiatrist who left her profession to work in her husband's office.Facebook
Zuckerberg's father describes his son, seen here at five years old, as "strong-willed and relentless."
Zuckerberg's father describes his son, seen here at five years old, as "strong-willed and relentless."Facebook
Facebook was founded while Zuckerberg was a student at Harvard, where this photograph was taken.
Facebook was founded while Zuckerberg was a student at Harvard, where this photograph was taken.Facebook
Zuckerberg, right, sits with Facebook's other founders. The tale of the company's earliest days inspired the film The Social Network, which draws a rich, dramatic portrait of a furious, socially handicapped genius, a character who bears little resemblance to the actual Mark Zuckerberg.
Zuckerberg, right, sits with Facebook's other founders. The tale of the company's earliest days inspired the film The Social Network, which draws a rich, dramatic portrait of a furious, socially handicapped genius, a character who bears little resemblance to the actual Mark Zuckerberg.Facebook
In this 2006 photo, the Facebook founder poses with his older sister Randi, the company's head of consumer marketing and social-good initiatives.
In this 2006 photo, the Facebook founder poses with his older sister Randi, the company's head of consumer marketing and social-good initiatives.Facebook
Zuckerberg and his family visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando for Thanksgiving 2010.
Zuckerberg and his family visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando for Thanksgiving 2010.Facebook

But Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg seems determined to make this feature a thing, so he promoted it by sharing the video documenting his relationship with his wife. He did put in a little extra effort by adding a personalized note and elaborating on why he’s thankful for her.

Check it out:

Read next: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Facebook From Mark Zuckerberg’s Q&A

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