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Hear Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake It Off’ Played With Ukeleles, Shakers and Kazoos

1 minute read

Are you sick of hearing “Shake It Off” yet? If your answer is yes, that’s nonsense because that song still has at least a month left before it becomes insufferable.

But if you do want to hear a new spin on the catchy Taylor Swift hit, check out this cover by Canadian five-piece rock band Walk off the Earth. They use ukeleles, kazoos and shakers to create a very chill but still upbeat version of the 1989 track. They even perform it while sitting beside some beautiful body of water at sunset for an especially chill vibe.

This isn’t the first time Walk off the Earth has taken on a Tay-Tay song. Here’s their cover of “I Knew You Were Trouble”:

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