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This Video of a Shark Feeding Frenzy Is Basically a Real-Life Sharknado

1 minute read

A video going viral claims to show “hundreds” of sharks in a feeding frenzy off the coast of North Carolina.

Brian Recker, a pastor at One Harbor Church in Beaufort, says he was out fishing with a group from the church when he witnessed the sharks going after a “school of bluefish” around noon on Oct. 8, at Cape Lookout National Seashore off the state’s Crystal Coast, according to the video’s description on YouTube. Recker calls the video, shot by fellow pastor Donnie Griggs, a real-life “Sharknado” in a Facebook post for the video, which boasts nearly 1 million views so far.

WATCH: Great White Shark Attacks Another Great White Shark

WATCH: Capturing a Great White Shark with a GoPro

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Write to Olivia B. Waxman at olivia.waxman@time.com