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Watch a Bulldog Puppy Try to Howl in an Adorable Video

1 minute read

In Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself,” the poet wrote about letting loose with a “barbaric yawp.” This little bulldog puppy is doing its best to live up to Whitman’s edict and sound its own barbaric yawp from the rooftops. But there’s one little problem— it doesn’t quite know how to do it. (Maybe it should take a page from the Dead Poets Society playbook?)

Drop everything you are doing, and watch this little bundle of joy try its best to master that whole howling thing now. Once this adorably wrinkly ball figures out how to let loose, it will undoubtedly be sounding it yawp from the rooftops and driving the neighbors batty. For now, though, the clip is 100% adorable.



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