Poll: About Half of Millennials Will Vote for Democrats in the Midterms

2 minute read

About 47% of likely millennial voters are going with Democrats in this year’s midterm elections, compared to 32% who say they’re voting Republican, according to a Fusion poll released Thursday.

Fusion has called its poll the largest survey on Millennials’ voting habits from this election cycle after polling some 1,200 likely 18-to-34 year-old voters. The poll’s authors are pretty adamant about the use of “likely,” too, seeing as less than a quarter of millennials are expected to actually turn out this November, according to a Harvard University poll.

Fusion’s poll also provides insight into the party leanings of millennial demographic groups. Hispanic and black voters, it shows, are more likely to vote for Democrats, as are women. White voters, meanwhile, are more likely to support Republicans.

According to the data, the economy is a top issue driving young voters to the polls this November—which is good news for the White House, which just launched a emoji-laced social media campaign about the economy aimed at millennials. Other issues that are getting young voters riled up include terrorism and national security as well as education.

The millennials surveyed by Fusion also hint at who they would like to see on the ballot in 2016—for Democrats, the favorite is Hillary Clinton, and for Republicans the largest chunk of likely voters don’t know, but more would vote for Congressman Paul Ryan than anyone else.

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.83 percentage points. It was conducted via phone interviews Sept. 12 through Sept. 22.

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