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This Video Proves Just How Ridiculous the Concept of a ‘Thigh Gap’ Is

1 minute read

In a brilliant send-up of the ‘thigh gap,’ a disturbing beauty goal that encourages girls to be so thin that there’s a space between their thighs, sketch comedy group JustBoobs released a parody ad for the Gap’s new competitor — Thigh Gap.

The video promotes the sale of Thigh Gap jeans (just $69.99!), which come with a wooden rod that forces your legs apart, creating an elusive space.

“I thought a thigh gap was an unattainable body myth championed by the media to lower women’s self esteem and make them easier targets for advertising!” one woman exclaims when she sees her friend looking fabulous and pained while wearing her Thigh Gap jeans.

The friend cheerfully replies, “The scars are a constant reminder of the sins of my womanly figure!”

Watch the video and see the thigh gap for the ridiculous trend that it is. Because after all, beauty is pain?


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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at tessa.Rogers@time.com