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Passive-Aggressive Dad Is Back With Instructional Video About How to Load a Dishwasher

1 minute read

Will Reid is an ordinary dad with an ordinary problem: His teenage children are completely inept (and we mean that in the nicest way possible) when it comes to incredibly menial tasks.

So Reid has made a series of “Teenage Instructional Videos” to teach them the complex art of loading dishwashers — the “advanced level” involves pressing things that “look like the buttons on your Xbox or Playstation” — and replacing the toilet paper roll.

The videos have clearly resonated so much that they have gone viral, inspiring Reid to make his own line of cups and instructional shirts.

May the profits go to a beach vacation sans kids. You deserve it, Will.

Here’s the toilet paper video. Can also be shown to lazy roommates for the single audience:

MORE: Dad Makes Hilariously Passive-Aggressive Instructional Video to Get His Kids to Do Chores

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