• Entertainment

Everything You Need to Know About the Newest Star Wars Show

3 minute read
Lucasfilm/Disney XD

With Star Wars: Episode VII more than a year away, the animated television series Star Wars Rebels gives fans their first glimpse at what Star Wars will look like as a Disney property.

Created by Dave Filoni, the supervising director of the animated Star Wars: Clone Wars series, Rebels is set five years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and follows the familiar formula of teacher and apprentice with Kanan (Freddie Prinze Jr.) serving as an initially reluctant Jedi teacher to a hot-headed Ezra (Taylor Gray).

Together with Kanan and Ezra, the motley crew of the starship Ghost traverse the galaxy while giving light to the nascent signs of rebellion rising up against the oppression of the Galactic Empire, setting the stage for the events of Star Wars: Episode IV.

The show further ties back to its Star Wars: Episode IV roots with its art style, which is heavily influenced by the original Star Wars concept art illustrated by Ralph McQuarrie.

See: Original Star Wars Concept Art

Already greenlit for a second season, the franchise is set to premiere with an hour-long television movie debut on Oct. 3 titled Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion on the Disney Channel, while the series itself will kick off on October 13 on Disney XD.

Meet the key players:

Kanan (Freddie Prinze Jr.)

Lucasfilm/Disney XD

Having escaped Order 66 (which purged the galaxy of Jedi), Kanan has spent most of his time in hiding, keeping his past and lightsaber under lock and key. In Rebels, he begins to rediscover his Jedi roots when he meets the force-sensitive Ezra.

Ezra (Taylor Gray)

Lucasfilm/Disney XD

A 14-year-old con artist and thief, Ezra has only known life under the grasp of the Empire. He relies on his street smarts and quick reflexes to survive until he crosses paths with Kanan and the crew of the Ghost. Amongst them, he discovers that his abilities are due to being in touch with the Force.

Zeb (Steve Blum)

Lucasfilm/Disney XD

Despite his muscle-bound appearance and tough-guy demeanour, Zeb is a well-trained and highly educated honor guard with a penchant for pulverizing storm troopers.

Sabine (Tiya Sircar)

Lucasfilm/Disney XD

Sabine is a no-nonsense Mandalorian master of arms and combat, the same race as famed bounty hunter Boba Fett. As such, she sports a similar set of body armor — albeit colored and decorated in her own unique style.

Hera (Vanessa Marshall)

Lucasfilm/Disney XD

Hera is the Twi’lek ace pilot of the Ghost; she serves as a nurturing mother figure to the otherwise gruff crew.

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