Kim Jong-un Won’t Like the New Trailer for The Interview

1 minute read

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has called The Interview, an upcoming James Franco-Seth Rogen comedy about journalists on an undercover mission to assassinate him, an act of war — which makes you wonder what he’ll do when he hears the colorful word James Franco calls him in the new Red Band trailer for the movie.

Jong-un reportedly plans to see the movie, which stars Rogen as a TV news producer eager to cover hard news, and Franco as the star journalist who’s granted a rare interview with the dictator. It’s a dream come true for the duo, until a CIA agent played by Lizzy Caplan shows up and asks them to turn their meeting into assassination.

But don’t worry if you haven’t kept up with international news lately: “This is not a political movie,” Caplan told TIME earlier this year about the film, which comes out on Christmas Day. “There’s a long line of comedies and satires taking on real, sad, scary situations. It’s just one in a long line of that.”

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