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White Skull Cap Worn by Pope Francis Is Now on eBay

1 minute read

Pope Francis’s white skull cap is up for auction on eBay and bidding is already up to €100,050 (about $130,000) so far.

The satirical Italian TV show Le Iene (which means “hyenas” in English) went up to Pope Francis as he boarded his jeep in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City and offered him a new white cap in exchange for his old one, AFP reports. The Pope agreed to the switch, and his old cap was posted on eBay Wednesday evening. Within 24 hours it had already attracted a bid of over €100,000.

According to AFP, the proceeds of the sale will go to an Italian charity fighting child mortality in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

There are 128 bids so far. Bidding closes September 24.

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Write to Tessa Berenson Rogers at tessa.Rogers@time.com