David Beckham Wants Scots to Vote ‘No’

1 minute read

Soccer icon David Beckham has endorsed the No vote for Scottish independence, calling for the U.K. to maintain its “historic bond” ahead of its referendum this week.

“The decision on whether to leave our shared country is, of course down to you, it is not my intention to tell you what to do. Nevertheless, that decision will have a huge effect on each and every one of us in the United Kingdom,” Mr. Posh Spice wrote in an open letter supporting the Let’s Stay Together petition, according to Scottish Daily Mail political editor Alan Roden.

In the letter, which Roden tweeted on Monday, Beckham talks about the pride he felt representing the U.K. during London’s Olympic bid. More than 200 famous Brits and 10,000 citizens have signed the petition.

“My sincere hope is that you will vote to renew our historic bond which has been such a success over the centuries and the envy of the entire world,” Beckham’s letter continues. “What unites us is much greater than what divides us.”

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com