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Dad Horrifies Baby Daughter By Shaving Beard During Game of Peekaboo

1 minute read

Childhood is nothing but one traumatic, disappointing revelation after another: learning that Santa Claus does not exist, finding out that the bus from Spice World is physically impossible and — as this little girl discovers — learning that your dad’s beard is the most magical thing about him.

A man thought it’d be funny to shave in between rounds of peekaboo, but his young daughter is either horrified at the strange man she does not recognize or she’s really, really not impressed with what’s under all that facial hair.

Just as entertaining as the video, however, is the comments section, which features a number of YouTube trolls trying to pick fights with users who don’t quite get the joke — like when “Berta Lovejoy” demands this father “stop being selfish and grow it back, set a good example to this girl [and] put her feelings before your own sexist agenda.”

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Write to Nolan Feeney at nolan.feeney@time.com