• U.S.

George Zimmerman Threats Investigated by Police

2 minute read

Florida police are investigating a report that George Zimmerman stalked a Florida man and threatened to kill him this week after a road altercation, according to police reports.

Records suggest that the first exchange occurred Tuesday when Zimmerman, who was cleared of murder charges in the 2013 shooting of Trayvon Martin, pulled alongside a driver in Lake Mary, Fla. and tried to get his attention.

“What’s your problem? Why are you shaking your finger?” Zimmerman reportedly asked the other driver. Eventually, Zimmerman allegedly threatened to shoot and kill the other driver, prompting him to call the police.

The driver claims Zimmerman waited nearby the driver’s work place the following day, leading to another 911 call.

“It seems this guy is just waiting on me,” the other driver told a 911 dispatcher.

Zimmerman has grabbed media attention on several occasions since his trial last year, including several run-ins with the law. Police arrested Zimmerman after a fight with his girlfriend in November, but dropped the assault and battery charges after his girlfriend decided not to pursue the matter. In another instance, he was pulled over for speeding.

During his trial, Zimmerman raised more than $200,000 from the public to mount his legal defense. He has found various ways to continue to raise funds since his acquittal. He sold a painting of an American flag for more than $100,000 on eBay in January, and signed up to fight Rapper DMX in a celebrity boxing match the following month.

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Write to Justin Worland at justin.worland@time.com