Arnold Schwarzenegger Removes Ex-Wife From Governor Portrait

1 minute read

Consider that a divorce!

Former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger has had the image of ex-wife Maria Shriver terminated from his official government portrait.

The 6-foot-high oil painting was noticeably lacking the depiction of a small pin featuring Shriver that was worn on Schwarzenegger’s suit lapel when the work was unveiled at the California Capitol in Sacramento on Monday, the New York Post reports. Schwarzenegger sat for the portrait in 2003.

“Whoever touched it up did not do a very good job,” Richard Granis, a tour guide for the capitol, told the Post. “It was softball sized, right there on his left lapel.”

Schwarzenegger and Shriver separated in 2011, though their divorce has not yet been finalized.

[New York Post]

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