This Teen Lived in a Fort in a Walmart for 2 Days

1 minute read

A 14-year-old boy managed to camp out in a fort he built at a Walmart southeast of Dallas for two-and-a-half days until he was caught.

CBS 11 News reports that photos show he staked out spots in the Corsicana store behind the aisles for baby and paper products – and appears to have snagged beverages through a crack he created in the drink aisle. He also seemed to change clothes to avoid being noticed, and even acquired a fish from the pet department.

The teen was ultimately spotted when his garbage led to the compound’s discovery.

Police said the teen had been staying with his aunt while his parents were out of town, and that his mother admits he had run away before, finding shelter in abandoned houses and creeks, according to CBS 11 News.

[CBS 11 News]

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